LMD studies program

Other degrees
University diplomas
A university degree (DU) or an Inter-University degree is a university degree, unlike the bachelor, master and doctorate, which are national diplomas. A DU is organized by a university, while DIUs associate several universities to organize the same study.
Architecture diplomas
The diploma of architecture conferring a degree from Bachelor to the post-master prepares to the knowledge of the fundamental concepts and tools, to the different modes of practice and professional fields of the architecture, as well as to the architectural research, until ' urban project '.
Specialized masters
The specialized Master's degree is a diploma certified by the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles (CGE), which brings together more than 200 engineering and business schools. This study allows the acquisition of either a dual skill or a specialization, for students with professional experience or a graduate degree.
International master
MSc: Master of Science, are high-level, dual-level degrees that allow students to specialize in the fields of industry and research at an international level. The MSc guarantees you a real mastery in a specific field.
Internet and informatics certificate
The computer and internet certificate (C2i®) was created for students in training in higher education institutions, with the aim of developing, strengthening, validating and attesting the skills necessary for mastering the technologies of information and communication.
Certifications in languages
The CLES (Certification in Language of Higher Education) allows students to obtain an official certificate attesting to their level in a foreign language, based on the 4 skills: written and oral comprehension and written and oral expression.