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Master's degree Mechanics, Materials and Structures for Construction and Transport

Macaron diplôme national de Master contrôlé par l'Etat
Sciences and engineering
Master's degree  
Civil Engineering  
Mechanics, Materials and Structures for Construction and Transport  
How to apply
Continuing education, Initial training, Recognition of prior learning  
Course venue
Campus Marne la Vallée - Champs sur Marne, Bâtiment Lavoisier
Training from

Entry requirements

M1 or equivalent (60 ECTS credits) in a related field.

Benefits of the program

The second-year Master’s in Mechanics, Materials and Structures for Construction and Transport offers high-level training in the mechanics of heterogeneous materials and structures, with varied applications in the fields of civil engineering and transport. It also gives students solid experience in the development of the associated numerical methods (e.g. for multi-scale problems and the simulation of multi-physical problems) and offers personalised training through a choice of options.

Acquired skills

Mastery of mechanical modelling to address research and development issues; mastery of numerical methods for mechanics (including the use of IT tools); mastery of modern methods of analysis and numerical simulation to study the performance and reliability of mechanical systems composed of simple and complex structures whose dimensions range from a few micrometres (microsystems) to metres (structures in the mechanical industry, transport, civil engineering, etc.).


Work placements may be carried out abroad subject to approval by the course director.



Course venue

Campus Marne la Vallée - Champs sur Marne, Bâtiment Lavoisier

Your future career

Graduates go on to work in mechanical engineering research (or research and development) in major national and international organisations and research centres (such as CEA and EDF), university laboratories, companies or service companies (engineering and/or consultancy).


There is a wide range of fields of application: mechanical industries; civil engineering constructions and structures; transport industries (automotive, aeronautical, space, naval, rail); development of industrial products by the transformation of materials (metals, composites, etc.); production and transformation of energy (petrochemicals, gas, electricity); etc.


Related jobs include: project manager; design engineer; R&D engineer. Graduates can pursue further study through a PhD in Mechanics (leading to a career as a CNRS researcher, faculty member - lecturer, university professor).

Professional integration

Surveys carried out by the university show that most graduates enter the professional world. 100% find a job within 18 months of graduating.

Study objectives

The second-year Master’s in the Mechanics, Materials and Structures for Construction and Transport is research-based. It prepares students for careers in research in major research organisations, research centres and university laboratories; research and development in businesses, service companies and engineering and consulting firms, in the following technological fields: mechanical engineering in general, civil engineering constructions and structures, means of transport (automotive, aeronautical, space, naval, rail), production of industrial products by transforming materials (metals, composites, plastics, etc.), energy production and conversion (petrochemicals, gas, electricity: hydraulic, thermal, solar, wind, nuclear, etc.)..

Major thematics of study

Continuum mechanics, structural mechanics, numerical simulations, heterogeneous materials, modelling, probabilistic approaches, fractures, damages, interfaces, homogenisation.


M2 work placement of at least 4 months (possibility of starting in March)

Semester 3

Méthodes numériques pour les problèmes multiphysiques

Finite difference/finite elements methods for transient/stationary diffusion/thermal problems; finite elements method for linear/non-linear problems; finite elements method for coupled problems: poroelasticity, elasticity/diffusion coupling.

2 24h
Mécanique de l'endommagement

Phenomenological aspects for damage modeling. Damage variables. Effective stresses. Damage measures. Elementary laws and damage criterion; Thermodynamic formulation. Dimensional representation of damage. Isotropic and anisotropic damage theories; Specific models. Plastic ductile damage. Creep damage. Fatigue damage. Interaction effects; Deformation/damage coupling. Elasticity(resp. Plasticity)/Damage coupling; Application to the modeling the behavior of concrete. Behavior in tensile and compression. Relationship between damage and anelastic strains. Strain localization.

2 24h

1) External acoustic a) Response to prescribed acoustic source b) Acoustic impedance boundary operator and radiation impedance operator c) Helmholtz integral representations d) Boundary integral equations e) Finite elements discretization 2) External vibroacoustic 3) Internal vibroacoustic

2 24h
Méthodes d'homogénéisation des milieux hétérogènes

Definition of scales in heterogeneous solids; notion of Representative Volume Element(RVE); Kinematically or Statically Uniform Boundary Conditions; RVE stiffness or compliance tensor; Eshelby problem and Green operators. Voigt and Reuss bounds, Hashin-Shtrikman bounds, dilute, Mori-Tanaka and autocoherent models. Homogenization of periodic media, asymptotic methods, Lippmann-Schwinger equation, resolution with iterative méthods based on fast Fourier Transform (FFT)

2 24h
Modélisation probabiliste et apprentissage automatique

Introduction; probabilistic models for vector-valued random variables​​; construction of probability laws; stochastic fields; methods for solving equations with random parameters; nonparametric probabilistic models for uncertainties in dynamics.

2 24h
Anglais pour la communication scientifique

English for oral presentation in international scientific events; English for writing scientific articles.

2 21h
Mécanique des matériaux pâteux et aspects thermiques

Complex fluids vs Newtonian fluids : Modelling and identification of highly viscous behaviors; nonlinear viscosity and Bighman fluids. Hele Shaw approximation and numerical modelling of viscous flows. Thermal aspects (WLF law, self-heating, exchange with tools); numerical simulation of thermo-mechanical coupled problem. Visco-elastic behavior in finite strain.

2 24h
Propagation du son en milieux poreux

Plane waves in isotropic fluids and solids. Acoustic impedance at normal incidence in fluids, and highly porous materials. Acoustic impedance at oblique incidence in fluids, and highly porous materials. Examples : reflection coefficient and absorption coefficient at normal and oblique incidence for multi-layered materials (Matlab and dedicated software).

2 24h
Mécanique des interfaces

Perfect thermal interfaces. Hadamard relation for temperature jump. Continuity and discontinuity conditions for temperature/heat flux gradients. Fourier's law for perfect interfaces; Perfect elastic interface. Hadamard compatibility condition for displacements. Continuity/discontinuity conditions for displacements and stresses. Hooke's law for perfect interfaces; Perfect multi physical interface. Hadamard compatibility equation. Generalized Hill interface operators. Solution for perfect interfaces in a composite (multi-physical framework). Homogenization of laminates ; Asymptotic analysis for imperfect interfaces in a multi-physical context. General forms for displacement vectors and generalized constraints jumps. Special cases (Kapitza law, Gurtin-Murdoch relation, ...); Application of imperfect interface models in micromechanics and nanomechanics.

2 24h
Homogénéisation numérique des matériaux hétérogènes

Computation of effective properties for linear diffusion/elasticity problems; numerical homogenization of coupled problems: thermoelasticity, poroelasticity and electromechanical coupling; Introduction to advanced techniques for the homogenization of nonlinear heterogeneous structures

2 21h
Fiabilité des systèmes mécaniques

Basics in probability theory, utility function and limit states, structural reliability, numerical simulations, simplified methods and reliability index, applications.

2 21h
Optimisation numérique des structures

Introduction to topological optimization by homogenization. 1) Reminder of variational principles;2) Formulation of the problem of minimization of compliance and non-existence of a solution to the problem {0.1} ;3) Elements of homogenization and introduction to composite theory; 4) Formulation of the relaxed problem and numerical implementation; 5) Anisotropic elastic materials

2 24h
Elasticité en grandes déformation

6 20h 20h

Semester 4


Le stage doit permettre à l’étudiant de mettre en application l’ensemble des connaissances acquises durant sa formation académique et d'acquérir des compétences additionnelles en matière d’initiation à la recherche (dans le contexte d’un laboratoire ou dans un secteur R&D d’une entreprise).


DESCELIERS Christophe (M2)

Academic coordinator

DAULT Marie-laure (M2)

Academic secretary
Phone number : 01 60 95 77 68
Building : Lavoisier
Office : 106

BOD Marissa

Gestionnaire formation continue


Gestionnaire VAE

ENPC Ecole des Ponts-ParisTech.