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Bachelor's degree Physics and Chemistry

Macaron diplôme national de Licence contrôlé par l'Etat
Sciences and engineering
Bachelor's degree  
Physics and Chemistry  
Physics and Chemistry  
How to apply
Initial training, Recognition of prior learning  
Course venue
Campus Marne la Vallée - Champs sur Marne, Bâtiment Clément Ader
Training from

Entry requirements

Parcoursup Procedure Admission to second year based on application after one year of general training in Physics and Chemistry. Application via eCandidat.

Benefits of the program

This Licence degree allows students to specialise gradually and only chose their final programme in the third year. This allows students to acquire a broad foundation of scientific knowledge in chemistry, physics, mechanics, electronics and applied mathematics and computer science, which are essential for fields such as energy, materials and the environment. The first year is a transitionary year from high school and teaching methods are adapted accordingly (small classes and tutorials, no whole-year lectures).

Acquired skills

Solid training in general scientific theory, experimentation and digital technology.

Ability to solve theoretical problems in chemistry and physics and their applications (materials, energy, the environment), as well as in mechanics and electrical engineering.

Ability to implement an experimental method; collect, manage and present results; explain and present a project process, the knowledge concerned and the results obtained verbally and in writing.



Course venue

Campus Marne la Vallée - Champs sur Marne, Bâtiment Clément Ader

Your future career

These two years of general scientific training equip students to pursue their studies in one of the five third-year programmes of the Physics and Chemistry Licence: Chemistry and Applications; Electronics, Electrical Energy, Automation; Education; Mechanics; Physics and Applications. After third year, most students of the Physics and Chemistry Licence continue with a Master’s or enrol at an engineering school.

After second year, students can also enrol in a first-year course at ESIPE, an apprenticeship-based engineering school, in electronics and computer science, civil engineering or mechanics, or a professional Licence in Environmental Management and Protection Professions.

Study objectives

Two years of multidisciplinary education in physics and chemistry with a specialisation in third year (in chemistry; electronics; energy and electrics; automation; mechanics or physics). Multiple opportunities to pursue further study through a Master’s degree or at an engineering school.

Major thematics of study

Physics - Chemistry - Electronics - Mechanics - Mathematics


The course includes an optional work placement


Introductory options are offered in first year and students can start to specialise through the optional units in second year.

Semester 1

Notions de base en analyse, complexes et trigonométrie

Derivation, functions study, integration; differential equations; complex numbers; trigonometry.

6 22h 36h
Physique 1 optique géométrique, cinématique et dynamique

Optique géométrique

Observation de phénomènes de propagation; lois de la réflexion et de la réfraction; propagation à travers des dioptres, des lentilles, un milieu continu modélisé en strates; formation d'images nette.


Teaching language


2 9h 9h 2h
Cinématique et dynamique du point matériel

Position, vitesse, accélération; forces; lois de Newton; frottements (solides et fluides); forces conservatives et énergies potentielles; théorème de l'énergie cinétique; conservation de l'énergie mécanique; cas des forces non conservatives.


Teaching language


5 22h 22h 4h
Chimie générale

Structure of matter : carbon; covalent bonds; conformations and configurations; molecular interactions.

5 20h 22h 6h
Electricité - Electronique 1

Electrocinétique 1 - circuits en régime continu

Electrocinétique, circuits en régime continu : grandeurs électriques; bipôles; sources idéales et réelles; lois de Kirchhoff; loi d'Ohm; résistance.


Teaching language


3 10h 12h 4h
Electronique numérique 1 - circuits combinatoires

Electronique numérique, étude des circuits combinatoires : représentation de l'information (numération, codage), algèbre de Boole, fonctions logiques, portes logiques, codeur/décodeur/transcodeur, multiplexeur/démultiplexeur, additionneur.


Teaching language


2 8h 8h 4h
Informatique - C2I

Training for C2I level 1 skills

2 20h
Anglais 1

Upgrading of grammatical and lexical knowledge; listening simple documents.

2 20h

Simple laboratory techniques; reporting; operating spreadsheet; literature searches; specifications for the design of a good or service.

3 12h 12h
Anglais renforcé 1

Upgrading of grammatical and lexical knowledge; listening simple documents.

5 50h

Semester 2

Bases du Calcul matriciel et du Calcul vectoriel

Basics of linear algebra and vector calculus.

6 22h 36h
Physique 2 bases d'optique ondulatoire et de thermodynamique

Optique ondulatoire 1

Expériences d'interférence et de diffraction avec de la lumière; interprétation théorique.


Teaching language


2 6h 8h 4h
Bases de la thermodynamique

Pression, température, état thermodynamique d'un gaz, équation d'état; énergie interne, travail, chaleur, 1er principe; divers types de transformations; entropie, second principe; cycles et machines thermiques.


Teaching language


4 14h 20h 4h
Cinétique chimique et équilibres en solution aqueuse

Basics of chemical kinetics and application to simple cases; major reaction types in inorganic chemistry in aqueous solution (redox reactions, acid-base reactions); composition of equilibrium systems.

6 22h 22h 10h
Electricité - Electronique 2

Electrocinétique 2 - circuits en régime sinusoïdal

Electrocinétique, circuits en régime sinusoÏdal : valeur efficace, déphasage, phaseur; bobine d'inductance et condensateur, impédance et admittance, associations de bipôles, puissance active, résonance


Teaching language


2 8h 8h 4h
Electronique numérique 2 - circuits séquentiels

Electronique numérique, étude des circuits séquentiels : évolution, chronogramme, technologies synchrone et asynchrone, bascules (RS, JK, D), registres, compteurs.


Teaching language


2 6h 8h 4h
Introduction à la mécanique des fluides et des solides

Basic concepts used in fluid mechanics and solids; kinematic; forces and moments; energy; fundamental principle of dynamics.

2 8h 8h 2h
Anglais 2

Strengthening structures of general English and vocabulary; understanding of articles, forms, reports; listening of more elaborate documents; written production : simple and guided.

2 20h
Chimie au quotidien

Experimental sessions : technical and assay methods on everyday products and operating.

2 20h
Cycle de vie de produits

Description of all the stages by which a product passes from its creation to its destruction: tender, collaborative design, industrialization, distribution, use, impact on the environment, destruction (sorting, recycling ...).

2 10h 10h
Enjeux de l'environnement

Introduction to the risks of degradation and environmental pollution (impact of human activities, natural hazards).

2 10h 10h
Expériences de physique 1

Study of physics experiments in connection with the L1 courses.

2 20h
Initiation à l'électronique programmable

ARDUINO platform : presentation, interactions with environment, programming language, use in a project.

2 4h 8h 8h
Initiation à la science des matériaux

Properties of the three families of materials (metals, polymers and ceramics): stiffness of materials, ductility and elaboration of metals, oxidation of metals, fragility of glasses and ceramics, synthesis and properties of polymers.

2 8h 12h
Projet personnel de formation

Research on a profession and courses to access it; professional interviews; written and oral report.

2 10h

Discovery internship related to the student's project

UE libre

Anglais renforcé 2

Strengthening structures of general English and vocabulary; understanding of articles, forms, reports; listening of more elaborate documents; written production : simple and guided.

6 50h

Semester 3

Mathématiques 3

Basic tools for analyzing multiple variables and applications

5 20h 30h
Electromagnétisme -1

Electrostatic (charges, forces, fields, potentials, Gauss theorem); magnetostatic (fields, Ampère theorem, mechanical effects of a magnetic field); electromagnetic induction.

6 24h 30h 6h
Mécanique du solide

Tools for describing the movement of solids and mechanical actions. Kinematics, force and moment, mass and inertia, kinetic and dynamic torsors.

5 22h 28h
Thermodynamique et réactivité en chimie

Implementation of the basics of thermodynamics to perform assessments, predict the evolution of a chemical system, perform its study in equilibrium. Address reactivity on examples of organic chemistry using the knowledge of L1. Introduction to Molecular Orbitals, LCAO Method, Fragment Method.

6 24h 24h 12h
Electronique 1

Introduction to analog electronics and the operation of semiconductor components (diodes, transistors, PDOs)

4 16h 16h 9h
Découverte de l'entreprise et des métiers scientifiques

External and internal approaches to the company and scientific professions through conferences and company visits.

2 10h 10h
UE libre

Teaching Unit proposed by UPEM concerning other fields specific to those proposed in L2 PC

Stage découverte

Period of probation to discover the world of industry or teaching professions in relation with the professional project of the student

Anglais - 3

Analysis of various types of documents in autonomy; oral comprehension on media of medium difficulty; short oral presentations; role games ; semi-guided written production.

2 20h

Semester 4

Mathématiques - 4: algèbre linéaire, proba et statistique

Linear algebra (continuation of S2); Statistics and probabilities.

4 16h 24h
Informatique et programmation

Design of small utility programs in C or Python language

3 30h
Des vibrations aux ondes

Harmonic Oscillator: free and damped oscillations; forced oscillations and resonance; filters. Coupled Oscillators: Free Oscillation and Normal Modes; beat; forced oscillations; transfer function. Propagation of waves through coupled oscillators: approximation of continuous media.

3 14h 16h

Written and oral comprehension: confrontation of various sources; personal written production; enrichment of the lexicon (debate, meeting in the form of role plays)

2 20h
Mécanique des fluides

Physical properties of fluids; static fluids; balance of submerged and floating bodies; introduction to fluid dynamics.

4 12h 12h 6h
Chimie minérale

periodic table - oxidation-reduction - homogeneous and heterogeneous chemical equilibria - industrial syntheses

5 18h 18h 12h
Mécanique Quantique

Historique, quantification, aspect probabiliste, lois de la mécanique (contexte). Propriétés des fonctions d’onde, notion d’opérateurs. Equation de Schrödinger, L’oscillateur harmonique : classique et quantique Méthode Variationnelle : Théorème variationnel. Théorie des perturbations.

4 20h 20h 9h
Thermodynamique - 2

Principles of thermodynamics. Thermodynamic functions. Evolution and search for balance. Phase changes of pure bodies. Mixtures and solutions of pure bodies.

3 14h 16h
Expériences de chimie et de physique

Realization and study of physics and chemistry experiments in relation with the contents of UE of L2.

3 30h
Introduction à l'élasticité

Introduction to deformable elastic solids: elongation, angular distortion, tensile, compression, shear, elastic modulus.

3 10h 10h 6h

Study of the main devices encountered in energy networks (three-phase circuits and ransformers). Study of the principle of electromechanical energy conversion (DC machine).

6 22h 22h 12h
Introduction mécanique des systèmes de solides rigides CAO

Schematization and modeling of solids. Technical drawing, layout and reading rules, schematization of systems.

3 12h 12h 6h
Filtrage et introduction à l'analyse harmonique

Study of electric filters. Introduction to harmonic analysis.

3 12h 12h 6h
UE libre

Teaching Unit proposed by UPEM concerning other fields specific to those proposed in L2 PC

Stage découverte

Period of probation to discover the world of industry or teaching professions in relation with the professional project of the student


LE QUERE Frederic (L1)

Academic coordinator


Academic coordinator (L2)

BASSINET Beatrice (L1)

Academic secretary
Phone number :
Building : Clément Ader

PIRES Elisabeth (L2)

Academic secretary