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Master's degree Sports Management

Macaron diplôme national de Master contrôlé par l'Etat
  • Human and social sciences, architecture, sport
  • Management, Economy, Communication
Master's degree  
STAPS: Sports Management  
Sports Management  
How to apply
Apprenticeship, Initial training, Recognition of prior learning  
Course venue
Campus Marne la Vallée - Champs sur Marne, Bâtiment Copernic
Training from

Entry requirements

Candidates must hold a Licence degree or equivalent, preferably in STAPS Management of Sport or Management. Students with different initial training but with significant experience in the field of sport can also join the programme. The programme is delivered on a work-study basis, with priority given to students who have a promise of employment under an apprenticeship or professionalisation contract.

Benefits of the program

The UGE Master's in Sports Management has three main advantages:


- the possibility of taking apprenticeship training with CFA Descartes


- co-accreditation with IAE Paris-Est to enhance the quality of the course


- a teaching team made up of many professionals


For more information, see the component's website:

Acquired skills

The programme is structured around the following skills:


- Designing and developing a communication strategy and being able to create professional quality media using specialised software


- Designing and developing strategies


- Managing the performance of a sports organisation and managing people


- Responsible and ethical professional conduct


- Understanding public action in sport and the challenges of international sporting events


- Taking responsibility for developing professional skills and critical awareness through research and support of analytical tools


Possibility of a work placement abroad



Course venue

Campus Marne la Vallée - Champs sur Marne, Bâtiment Copernic

Your future career

The training opens up opportunities for students in jobs related to sports management in the public sector, associations or commercial spheres.


Our graduates are now working as project managers, operations managers, communications managers, department managers, development managers, partnership managers, events managers, assistant managers and assistant product managers.

Professional integration

Professional integration is greatly facilitated by the apprenticeship contract, which allows for quick integration with attractive employment conditions. Graduates of the STAPS Master’s in Sports Management quickly access jobs as project managers or communication/development officers in the commercial, associative or public sectors.

Study objectives

The programme aims to train multi-skilled executives to work in sports management. The training is not specialised towards a particular profession. It allows students to develop a foundation of skills that enables them to specialise in the company according to the specific nature of the position they occupy as part of their apprenticeship contract or work placement. Advanced technical skills are developed in communication and data analysis through the use of benchmark software to meet the challenges of digitisation.

Major thematics of study

The programme develops management skills related to the sports sector in the fields of communication, marketing, human resources management, sports events, finance and law. An introduction to research completes the training and enables students to develop a critical approach to knowledge.


M1 classes from 15/09/23 to 12/05/24


M2 classes from 12/09/23 to 16/05/24


Work-study format between September and mid-May.


Full-time work experience from mid-May to September.

Back-to-school date


Semester 1

C1_Concevoir et piloter un projet de communication 4
Communication strategy

This teaching aims to build the following skills: - Identify all communication channels (media, non-media) and their issues - Determine communication targets and expected effects - Diagnose the overall communication strategy of an organization - Propose a global communication strategy for the development of the organization based on the conclusions of the diagnosis - Define the implementation modalities of this strategy and in particular the planning and the mobilization of the different channels to reach the privileged targets - Evaluate the effectiveness of its communication strategy


Teaching language


Digital communication

This teaching aims to build the following skills: - Understand the specificities of digital communication - Being able to define a communication strategy based on web tools (website, social networks, etc.) - Implement this communication strategy by using and combining adapted tools in accordance with relevant planning. - Mobilize the tools of specific analysis (attendance statistics, bounce rate, etc.) to evaluate the effectiveness of its actions


Teaching language


C2_Créer des supports de com. en utilisant des outils 3
Graphic design

This teaching aims to build the following skills: - know the requirements of the publication formats - to mobilize a rational and effective conception - use professional software tools (Adobe Suite: Photoshop and Illustrator) - Design posters, flyers, banners, logo, etc.


Teaching language


Upgrade image editing software

This optional option is intended for students who have no knowledge of graphic design software in order to make a catch-up on the basics in order to follow the compulsory education like the others.


Teaching language


C3_Concevoir et développer des stratégies 6
Strategic management

This teaching aims to build the following skills: - Know how to make a diagnosis about the resources of an organization - Identify in a context the opportunities and threats that affect the organization - Propose a global vision for the development of the organization based on the conclusions of the diagnosis - Define how to implement this strategy - Integrate innovations to create value


Teaching language


Sports marketing

This teaching aims to build the following skills: - Study a market - Analyze consumer behavior - Mobilize the levers of marketing-mix (product, price, distribution, promotion) - Build the customer relationship: relationship marketing, loyalty - Identify the specificities of sports marketing


Teaching language


C4_Avoir une pratique professionnelle responsable et éthique 5
CSR and business ethics

This teaching aims to build the following skills: - Understand the principles and challenges of CSR - Transpose this field in different work situations in the sports sector - Understanding the problems of discrimination at work - Being able to solve critical situations in the professional world - Adapt to environmental, economic and human constraints


Teaching language


Business cultures

It is about approaching the corporate culture as a set of values (what is good / what is wrong), beliefs (what is true / what is wrong) and norms (what is done / which is not done according to the rules in use). Evident for and shared by the members of the company (= shared values), it is manifested by symbolic productions (symbols, rites, codes) and is built throughout the history of the company (myth, slogan) in response to the successive problems she encounters. Through numerous examples, the aim is to make students aware of the more or less imposed presence of corporate culture.


Teaching language


C5_Comprendre l'action publique dans le secteur du sport 6
Sociology of public action

This course aims to give students a knowledge of the sociology of public action so that they become aware of the mechanisms at work and develop the keys to reading public action. This teaching must also provide the theoretical basis for engaging in research work.


Teaching language


Sociology of organizations

This course aims to give students a knowledge of the sociology of organizations so that they become aware of the mechanisms at work in organizations and develop the keys to understanding the power relations that structure the relationships of the actors. This teaching must also provide the theoretical basis for engaging in research work.


Teaching language


C6_Développer une conscience critique des savoirs 2
Initiation to research

This teaching makes it possible to discover the work of research and to appropriate the methodology of the research. Beyond this, it is an opportunity to train through research and link the training with the research projects developed within the ACP laboratory and the ORME (Observatory for Research on Mega-Events).


Teaching language


C7_Prendre des responsabilités professionnelles 2
Eportfolio and skills

The skills approach implemented in the master's program is accompanied by the creation of a training support tool: the eportofolio. It must enable students to report on the construction of skills and participate directly in validating the skills of the training. The use of Mahara available on the UPEM ealearning platform facilitates the relationship between teaching and the demonstration of skills.


Teaching language


Occupational integration

This course aims to support students in their professional insertino steps. Two groups are distinguished: on the one hand apprentices for whom the objective is to accompany them to facilitate their integration into a company; On the other hand, students in initial training are supported in their search for a learning contract / internship.


Teaching language


C8_Evoluer dans un environnement international 3
Communicating in English

The course aims to improve students' reception and production skills. For the advanced group, however, emphasis will be placed on face-to-face oral production, via role plays and short presentations on topics of interest to professional life or topics related to the topics covered in the TOEIC exams.


Teaching language



Semester 2

C1_Concevoir et piloter un projet de communication 6
Managing sports event

This teaching allows to develop the theoretical knowledge related to the gestino of n event and simultaneous project and to live this learning by setting up such an event to be confronted with the implementation of their knowledge and with the practical difficulties which requires adaptations .


Teaching language



This teaching combines on the one hand the organization of a particular communicatino action to pomote the event and also to program a act of communciation / training by soliciting personalities from the sporting world to share knowledge and experiences. Indirectly, these conferences help to develop the professional network of students.


Teaching language


C9_Mobiliser des outils d'analyse et d'évaluation 4
Survey Tool Design

In coordination with the teaching of initiation to research, this teaching aims to develop a coherent survey protocol to answer a research problem. This methodology must be based both on qualitative and quantitative methods and lead to the production of input grids, observation books and survey questionnaires.


Teaching language


C2_Créer des supports de com. en utilisant des outils 7
Computer assisted presentation

This course is focused on the publication of written documents respecting the formal constraints of a professional publication. It is both a question of mastering the editing / publishing rulers in different formats (paper and electronic) and also of producing a support which respects the principles of the graphic charter of the company / the organization in which they working.


Teaching language


Managing web site content

This teaching should allow students to become familiar with the management of an existing website. They must eventually be able to feed a site in multimedia content, format content in compliance with the operation of the site, adjust the structure of the site for communicatino needs of their company. This course is based on the gestino of a CMS such as Wordpress or Joomla.


Teaching language


C8_Evoluer dans un environnement international 3
Communicating in English

The course aims to improve students' reception and production skills. For the advanced group, however, emphasis will be placed on face-to-face oral production, via role plays and short presentations on topics of interest to professional life or topics related to the topics covered in the TOEIC exams.


Teaching language


C10_Manager des personnes 7
Labor Law / Social Law

This teaching aims to build the following skills: - Know the fundamentals of labor law - Know the other legal sources that apply to workers at all levels: international (community law) and sectoral (collective agreement) - Understand the terms of application in the context of paid employment - Identify the specificities of the national collective agreement on sport: employment contracts, salary scale, working time modulation, etc.


Teaching language


Human Resource Management

This teaching aims to build the following skills: - Ensure the management of human resources in compliance with labor law and social law - Coordinate a team to mobilize the skills of each employee in an optimal way - Identify the issues that favor the employee's involvement in the company - Mobilize training devices to develop employees' skills - Build a prospective vision for the evolution of the skills of his team


Teaching language



Semester 3

C8_Evoluer dans un environnement international 11
French and international sport law

This course aims to give students sports law skills both at the French and international levels. A detailed reading of the legislative texts and litigations must give the student an operational understanding of the rules of law that apply when performing his duties.


Teaching language


Sport Mega-events

This course allows you to tackle different issues specific to major international sporting events. This is to consider in a multidisciplinary perspective the effects of training sports events. Beyond high-level sport, the student will be brought to integrate the concept of heritage by distinguishing the material aspects related to urban issues and the immaterial aspects and in particular the social issues of these events.


Teaching language


Communicating in English

The course aims to improve students' reception and production skills. For the advanced group, however, emphasis will be placed on face-to-face oral production, via role plays and short presentations on topics of interest to professional life or topics related to the topics covered in the TOEIC exams.


Teaching language


C11_Piloter la performance 3
Financial management

This training is designed to give students basic fundamentals of financial management and budget planning. The objective is to be able to read and co-produce an accounting balance sheet in order to make a diagnosis of the company's situation and recommendations. A particular work will be done on the decision of decisino in the choices of investment.


Teaching language


Upgrade in financial management

This optional option is intended for students who have no knowledge of accounting and finance in order to make a catch-up on the basics necessary to follow compulsory education like the others.


Teaching language


C7_Prendre des responsabilités professionnelles 3
Entrepreneuship and business creation

This teaching aims to build the following skills: - Define a business plan and test the economic viability of the concept - Conduct a market study to identify the added value of the product - Build a pitch to convince a potential financier to invest in this project - Write a business plan including financial planning - Understand the issues specific to each legal form of business


Teaching language


C9_Mobiliser des outils d'analyse et d'évaluation 5
Data analyse

This teaching is articulated with the design of semester 2 survey tools. This involves analyzing both qualitative and quantitative data. For the treatment of questionnaires, specific work on the Modalisa analysis software must make it possible to perform statistical analyzes.


Teaching language


Data vizualisation

The processing of databases, whether from a computer system or a survey result, requires the use of appropriate tools to give them readability. Beyond that, it is necessary to appropriate a data visualization software (Tableau®) to enable them to produce interactive dashboards.


Teaching language


C4_Avoir une pratique professionnelle responsable et éthique 3
Change and crise management

This teaching aims to build the following skills: - Identify its flaws, its qualities to use them as a humanized and efficient "working tool" for the company - To welcome "the other person" as a person in his own right, from what he is, and thus to give him the opportunity to feel gratified, and therefore to have him listening to the objectives, and thereby the make it more efficient in the company. Differentiate the two axes of intervention of the sports manager: Manager: The one who defines the objectives, the stakes; Coach: The one who accompanies and thinks together on the means and on the best method to reach the objectives.


Teaching language


C3_Concevoir et développer des stratégies 2
Innovation management

Innovation is a factor of competitiveness of companies. It is necessary for the students to understand the mechanisms of innovation and the interest of the strategic watch. Concepts on technology transfer are also discussed. This teaching will be based on examples both in the field of industry and services in the sport sector.


Teaching language


C6_Développer une conscience critique des savoirs 3
Support for research

This course aims to support the research work undertaken in M1 and which should lead to the production of a dissertation at the end of semester 3.


Teaching language



Semester 4

C10_Manager des personnes 3
Human behavior in the organization

This course aims to apprehend the conceptual springs that enrich the mastery of team management tools. Based on the managerial literature and in social psychology, this course exposes the key concepts and notions that make it possible to understand the working dynamics of the work teams by noting the interweaving of the different roles of the operational manager.


Teaching language


C5_Comprendre l'action publique dans le secteur du sport 3
Sports facilities

This course will consist of three parts: the first part will be dedicated to the state of the sports heritage and their conditions of homologation in accordance with the law on sport of 1992. In the second part of the course, it will be addressed the safety of equipment classified ERP (Equipment Receiving Public) under the Code of Urbanism and the Code of Construction and Housing (classification, security controls and quality standards). Finally, a third part will deal with administrative procedures and equipment management methods (contract award procedure, control of investment and operating costs).


Teaching language


C8_Evoluer dans un environnement international 3
Communicating in English

The course aims to improve students' reception and production skills. For the advanced group, however, emphasis will be placed on face-to-face oral production, via role plays and short presentations on topics of interest to professional life or topics related to the topics covered in the TOEIC exams.


Teaching language


C11_Piloter la performance 6
Quality management

This course aims to understand the issues and methodology of a quality approach. The student must develop skills to be able to develop a quality approach within his company to improve the performance of his activity.


Teaching language


Driving performance

The objective of this course is to understand the issues related to performance management. It is a question of optimizing the available resources to reach the objective fixed with efficiency and especially efficiency.


Teaching language


C7_Prendre des responsabilités professionnelles 15
Master thesis

The final dissertation is constructed in relation to the apprenticeship / internship. It aims at enabling the student to develop an expertise on a management problem and initiate a transformation of his company by relying on his expertise to improve its performance. It gives rise to the writing of a dissertation and a defense.


Teaching language


Collective action

This teaching is based on a team project. It can be of very different nature going from the business game to the participatino to a great international sports event according to the opportunities.


Teaching language




Academic coordinator

Pierre-Olaf Schut (M2)

Academic coordinator

Maureen TARIN

Academic secretary
Phone number : 01 60 95 75 77

La formation s'appuie sur un réseau d'entreprises partenaires qui accueillent nos étudiants en apprentissage. Un job dating est notamment organisé avec Décathlon et Well Ness Training.