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Master's degree Chemistry

Macaron diplôme national de Master contrôlé par l'Etat
Sciences and engineering
Master's degree  
How to apply
Initial training  
Course venue
  • Campus Marne la Vallée - Champs sur Marne, Bâtiment Lavoisier
  • Bâtiment Lavoisier les mercredis et jeudis
Training from

Entry requirements

Students with a Licence degree in Chemistry; Chemistry and Physics; Chemistry and Biology

Benefits of the program

This Chemistry Master's degree provides core training in methods for developing/synthesising, characterising and analysing the properties of molecules or materials. The course also includes modelling modules. The first-year programme covers all areas of chemistry, from physical chemistry to molecular chemistry, as well as certification and quality assurance. Students can specialise in each of these fields in the second year.

Acquired skills

Give students a broad foundation of knowledge on the structure, synthesis and analysis of matter, in relation to its reactivity.


Students can carry out funded periods abroad (e.g. Erasmus) through the international relations departments of UGE and UPEC.



Course venue

Campus Marne la Vallée - Champs sur Marne, Bâtiment Lavoisier

Other course venue

Bâtiment Lavoisier les mercredis et jeudis

Your future career

After the first year, four second-year options are available:

- Molecular Physical Chemistry and Applications

- Chemistry of Bioactive Molecules

- Quality Analysis and Assurance (apprenticeship)

- Functional Polymers


The course is suitable for students with career objectives in either research or the professional world. The professional or research-based focus of this second-year Master’s course is determined by the compulsory work placement in the second semester. Students can also enrol in a course at the French Higher Institute for Professorship and Education (INSPE) in chemistry, physics or physics and chemistry.

Professional integration

Students can choose a professional programme in the second year.

Study objectives

Give students a broad foundation of knowledge on the structure, synthesis and analysis of matter, in relation to its reactivity.

Major thematics of study

Chemical synthesis, analytical chemistry, spectroscopy, biotechnology, nano-chemistry, polymer chemistry, environmental chemistry.


Second semester


Semester 1: choice of 4 options from: from macro-molecules to polymer materials; nano-chemistry; biotechnology and fine chemistry; biotechnology of recombinant proteins; introduction to quantum mechanics; computer programming 1; modelling in chemistry; environmental chemistry.


Semester 2: choice of 3/4 options from: synthesis strategies in fine chemistry 2; cellular bases of pharmacology and toxicology; surface chemistry and bio-arrays; computer programming 2; applications of physics and quantum chemistry; applications of spectroscopy; advanced modelling; polymers in solution and gels; separative analysis techniques 2

Back-to-school date


Semester 1


* General view of the applications and uses of electrochemistry in the industrial world and in research * Reminder on electrochemical reactions, set-ups, notions of faradic and capacitive currents, ohmic drop, power lines. * Notions of electron transfer and introduction of the kinetic parameters (System slow/fast, constant electrokinetic, diffusion coefficient) * Voltamperometric methods for species in solution in different systems, chronopotentiometry * Application to simple electronic transfers, chemical reactions coupled to electron transfers, electrocatalysis.

3 15h 10.5h 4.5h
Chimie de Synthèse

Concepts de base de la Chimie de Synthèse

3 18h 9h
Méthodes d'analyse spectroscopiques

Determination and/or confirmation of molecular or macromolecular structures of organic compounds using cross-analysis methods. Emphasis will be placed on the interpretation of the spectra and the use of data for the characterization of compounds and will be limited to brief theoretical recalls. Analysis of molecular or macromolecular organic compounds by UV, IR, RAMAN, NMR, MS, and fluorimetry.

3 18h 12h
Techniques d'analyse séparatives 1

Theoretical courses dealing with the fundamental quantities of chromatography, chromatographic equipment, modes of chromatography, and an introduction to electrokinetic methods.

3 12h 5h 14h

We will work out the spoken english and the written english. We will mainly focus on the analysis of scientific docuements.

3 20h
Connaissance de l'entreprise

Notions of optimization and improvement in process engineering: process analysis, implementation, SMED, inventory management, LEAN, 5s, 6-sigma and other, KPI and SMART, HAZOP.

3 20h
Stratégies de synthèse en chimie fine 1

Two sections : Retrosynthesis and asymetric synthesis. Basic principles of the disconection approach with the concept of synthetic equivalent for the elaboration of the carbon bones in natural products. Asymetric syntheses from chiral reagents, catalysts or chiral auxiliaries.

3 18h 9h
De la macromolécule au matériau polymère

Knowledge and understanding of the specific behaviors of polymers: isolated macromolecule, macromolecule in the mass of amorphous polymer, semi-crystalline polymers, rubber elasticity.

3 14h 7h 6h

Definition and history of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Introduction to synthesis and characterisation of materials. Special properties of nanomaterials. Fields of applications. Nanomaterials in everyday life

3 14h 7h 6h
Biotechnologie et chimie fine

Acquisition of conceptual and technical knowledge relating to the production of molecules of interest by microorganisms (bacteria and fungi). Mastering the techniques of analysis and quality control and safety.

3 16h 11h
Biotechnologie des protéines recombinantes

Acquisition of conceptual and technical knowledge relating to the production of proteins of interest via various heterologous production systems.

3 11h 16h
Introduction à la Mécanique Quantique

Electrons in atoms : electronic configurations and atomic orbitals. Quantum approach of chemical bonding : molecular orbitals. OM diagrams of homo and heteronuclear diatomics. Polyatomic molecules : fragment methods. Pi system study : Hückel method.

3 12h 12h 3h
Info programmation 1

Notions on computers, algorithm basics, programming structure, basic instructions. Tests, loops, in/out, functions, polynom interpolation, numerical intergration, node search. Applications to matter sciences.

3 27h
Modélisation en chimie

Introduction to modelisation of atoms, molecules and solids structues. Optimisation and visualisation of molecular and cristallographic structures. Applications to the reactivity of simple systems, Lewis acid/base approach, frontier orbitals approach. Use of simple codes and applets of molecular simulations and modelling.

3 12h 15h
Chimie de l'environnement

Energetic exchanges in environmental reactions : C and N cylces; Hydeolysis kinetics in natural waters. Main processes and reactions in Environment. Oxidation reactions. Environmental photochemistry. Chemical elements and environmental problems. Toxic organic compounds : pesticides; PCB; HAP, dioxins. Chemical pollution (air, water).

3 18h 9h 3h

Semester 2

Techniques d'analyse RMN et introduction à l'IRM

Knowledge of the NMR principles and understanding of phenomena related to the chemical structure, conformation and local dynamics of complex molecules. Principles of NMR, Notions of chemical shift and spin-spin coupling, Modes of acquisition of Spectra 1 d 1 H and 13 c NMR, molecular origins of two-dimensional NMR, NMR relaxation, openings to other applications of NMR.

3 15h 9h
Polymères biosourcés

3 14h 7h 6h
Micelles emulsions mousses dispersions

Study of Colloids: interparticle Forces, stability of colloids, Interfacial tension, physical chemistry of surfactants: micelles, surfactants at solid and liquid interfaces , emulsions, foams.

3 18h 8h 4h
Méthodes d'analyse de surface

Surface and interface definitions. Mechanisms of phenomena at interfaces, balance of forces involved (surface tension, wettability...). Familiarizing yourself with the tools for the characterization of surfaces: microscopy (MOP, SEM, AFM), spectroscopy (XPS, FTIR, raman...), Optics (ellipsometry, SPR) and gravimetry (QCM)...

3 16h 7h 4h
Projet ou stage, cycle de conférences

To develop the initiative and the autonomy of chemists towards concrete practical problems by integrating precise data and specifications. This will be done in the form of an experimental laboratory project or a bibliographic project. Attend a lecture cycle and report back.

Anglais scientifique

We will work out the spoken english and the written english. We will mainly focus on the analysis of scientific docuements.

3 30h
Stratégies de synthèse en chimie fine 2

Master the methods of synthesis of cyclic compounds according to the ionic and pericyclic approaches. The acquired tools are useful in the continuation of study in master 2 chemistry of bioactive molecules.

3 6h 3h 18h
Bases cellulaires de la pharmacologie et toxicologie

Acquire basic knowledge in cell biology, in pharmacology in close connection with chemistry (molecular interactions, relationship structure activity, ...) for the identification / use of therapeutic targets.

6 26h 16h 12h
Chimie des surfaces et bioarrays

Chemical modification methods for surfaces and bio-interfaces for sensor applications in biology.

3 17h 6h 4h
Info programmation 2

Approximation methods, solving of non linear equations, matrices eigenvalues and eigenvectors calculations. Resolution of linear systems, direct and iterative methods. Application to examples from matter sciences.

3 27h
Applications de la physique et chimie quantique

Perturbation and variations theories. Hartree-Fock method. Density Functional Theory. Configuration interaction. Introduction to statistics physics (partition functions, Boltzmann distribution, statistical formulations of thermodynamics values, Monte Carlo method).

3 15h 12h 3h
Applications de la spectroscopie

Analysis of IR, UV, microwave and Raman spectra.

3 15h 9h 6h
Modélisation avancée

Modelisation in biological systems, solvation. Introduction to molecular dynamics, multi-scale modelisation.

3 15h 12h
Polymères en solution et gels

Application of Flory's theories to methods of polymer characterization in solution (osmometry, viscometry, light scattering and size exclusion chromatography). Viscoelastic solutions and Gels

3 14h 7h 6h
Techniques d'analyse séparatives 2

Operating principles of electrophoretic and electrochromatographic methods and their range of application in terms of biological / chemical compounds analyzed. Chromatographic methods dedicated to the analysis of biomolecules and biomacromolecules. Master sample preparation methods using miniaturized systems.

3 12h 7h 4h

HOCHLAF Majdi (M1-M2)

Academic coordinator

LINGUERRI Roberto (M1)

Academic coordinator

DAULT Marie-laure (M1)

Academic secretary
Phone number : 01 60 95 77 68
Building : Lavoisier
Office : 106