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Bachelor's degree Double licence Mathematics and computer science

Macaron diplôme national de Licence contrôlé par l'Etat
Sciences and engineering
Bachelor's degree  
Double licence Mathematics and computer science  
How to apply
Initial training  
Course venue
Campus Marne la Vallée - Champs sur Marne, Bâtiment Copernic
Training from

Entry requirements


Benefits of the program




Course venue

Campus Marne la Vallée - Champs sur Marne, Bâtiment Copernic

Semester 1

Mathématiques 24

The approach of this course is practical: building on the knowledge acquired in high school, the aim is to apply the basic techniques of analysis. Topics covered: Complex numbers; Common functions; Calculation of limits; Derivation and study of functions; Calculation of integrals; Solving differential equations.


Teaching language


624h 36h
Methodology of Mathematics

The aim of this course is to acquire the mathematical method, which is based on the unambiguous definition of concepts, the formulation of conjectures, the statement of mathematical propositions and their demonstration using logic based on more elementary propositions. To achieve this, learning and mastering the language of mathematics (discourse, syntax, objects, variables) is fundamental. In particular, this course consolidates (or introduces) the following notions: rudiments of logic (quantifiers, modes of reasoning), sets, applications, binary relations.


Teaching language


624h 36h
Numerical Sequences and Real Functions

Real numbers: integer part, upper bound, density of rationals and irrationals in the reals; Real sequences: basic notions, definition of the limit of a sequence, special sequences, Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem; Real functions: definition of the limit at a point, continuity, intermediate value theorem, image of an interval by a continuous function, uniform continuity, lipschitzian functions; Derivatives of real functions: definition, local extremum and critical point, Rolle's theorem, mean value theorem, Taylor formulas.


Teaching language


624h 36h
Linear Algebra 1

The course of Linear Algebra consists of three chapters. The first chapter defines the vector spaces, the bases, and introduces the notion of dimension.Then we deal with linear applications: kernel, image, rank, projectors. The last chapter is about matrices: their links to linear applications, base change, and linear systems.


Teaching language


624h 36h
Informatique 38
Algorithms and Programming 1

This module is the very first computer science course of the degree and is intended for students who do not necessarily have experience in computer science. Its main objective is to introduce the basics of imperative programming (values, types, variables, conditionals, loops), as well as the basics of algorithmics (list manipulation, strings). The support language is Python.


Teaching language


918h 18h 36h
Algorithms and Programming 1 (problem-based learning)

This module is intended for students who already have some experience of computer science in general, and in Python programming in particular (especially students who have followed the NSI speciality in ``première'' or ``terminale'' in high school). It emphasizes accompanied problem solving, and requires autonomy, curiosity and perseverance for students. The module is divided into four or five sequences, each of which consists of the presentation of a problem, its resolution by the students and the presentation of the work done in the form of a short document, generally accompanied by a Python program. This course shares the main learning objectives of Algorithms and Programming 1 (AP1): basic concepts of imperative programming and the Python language, elementary algorithms (especially list traversal), creation of readable and structured programs. The theoretical part of the course will be based on a common evaluation with the one of AP1.


Teaching language


918h 36h
Programming Project 1

This second part of the semester is devoted to introducing students to the basic concepts of how to carry out a computer science project of reasonable size from start to finish. The practical part of this module consists precisely in designing such a project in Python. Special attention will be paid to communication and presentation: students will have to know how to write a documentation and to present their work during a defense.


Teaching language


36h 12h
Algorithms and Programming 2

This course is the continuation of Algorithms and Programming 1 (AP1) from the first semester. It builds on the notions previously introduced to study new and more advanced ones. In particular, the notions of recursive programming and complexity are covered. Some classical backtracking algorithms, searching, and sorting will also be introduced.


Teaching language


518h 18h 18h
Algorithms and Programming 2 (problem-based learning)

This module is intended for students who already have some experience with the specific algorithmic topics covered in Algorithms and Programming 2 (AP2). It may be of particular interest to students who have taken the NSI speciality in ``terminale'' in high school. Like the APP1 module, it emphasizes accompanied problem solving, and requires autonomy, curiosity and perseverance from the students. The module is divided into four or five sequences, each consisting of the presentation of a problem, its resolution by the student, and the presentation of the work done in the form of a short document, generally accompanied by a Python program. This teaching shares the main learning objectives of the AP2 module: recursion, complexity, searching and sorting algorithms, stacks, queues, implicit graph traversal. The theoretical part will be based on a common evaluation with the AP2 module.


Teaching language


518h 36h
Programming Project 2

This second semester course is a continuation of Project 1 (Pr1) taught in the first semester. Here again, students will be introduced to methods for designing a computer science project. Such a project will have to be carried out entirely. It will be based on most of the notions seen so far (Python programming, algorithms and web programming) and, if the opportunity arises, will propose a project using all of them.


Teaching language


26h 12h
Web Programming

This module is an initiation to the creation and to the programming of web pages. After a brief description of the mechanisms by which the internet works, the focus will be on the study of the web and the creation of web pages. To do this, the structure of the content of a web page (HTML) will be presented first, then its appearance (CSS), and finally the dynamic modification of these (Javascript) by the user's web browser.


Teaching language


518h 18h
Complément Math-Info 16

Introductory electronics course.


Teaching language


416h 4h 12h
Mathématiques discrètes

The course aims to introduce some elements of graph theory, combinatorics, arithmetic and their links with discrete geometry. We will focus on algebraic equations that we will solve using origametry (combinatorics of origami and folds). Geometry will be approached from the point of view of graphs but also meshes and finite differences. We will propose to use 3D representation software to address questions of topological and geometric algorithms.


Teaching language


312h 12h
Introduction to Machine Learning

Machine learning is at the heart of many modern artificial intelligence algorithms. This course aims to present the basics of these algorithms by studying the problems of regression, classification, data partitioning and dimension reduction. In practice, the algebra and analysis notions acquired during the year will be used to study these algorithms, which will then be implemented in Python.


Teaching language


28h 8h
Logic and Computer-Assisted Proof

This course covers in greater depth the notions of logic seen in the first semester (Peano axioms, cardinality, recursion, propositional calculus, predicate calculus). This course will also be an opportunity to discover a particular type of software called "proof assistant". These powerful tools enable you to model mathematical objects, formulate a theorem about them, interactively develop a formal proof of that theorem, and then automatically check the validity of the proof you've constructed.


Teaching language


412h 12h 12h
Mathematical Problems

In this course, students work under supervision on mathematical problems (such as may be encountered in teaching recruitment exams, for example). It builds on the concepts covered in the year's other mathematics courses, and aims to strengthen students' reasoning and writing skills.


Teaching language


Anglais 6
English 1

The teaching of English during the bachelor's degree aims to improve written and oral skills so that students become more autonomous. The aim is to be able to understand and communicate in future professional exchanges, as well as to be able to understand the scientific articles that they may encounter during their studies and/or professional lives. Throughout the bachelor's degree, English courses focus on providing an opening to different cultures in order to encourage exchanges between countries.


Teaching language


English 2

The teaching of English during the bachelor's degree aims to improve written and oral skills so that students become more autonomous. The aim is to be able to understand and communicate in future professional exchanges, as well as to be able to understand the scientific articles that they may encounter during their studies and/or professional lives. Throughout the bachelor's degree, English courses focus on providing an opening to different cultures in order to encourage exchanges between countries.


Teaching language




Academic coordinator

MEYER Antoine

Academic coordinator

Ramatoulaye BARRY

Academic secretary