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Master's degree Project Management for Urban Projects

Macaron diplôme national de Master contrôlé par l'Etat
Human and social sciences, architecture, sport
Master's degree  
Urban Planning and Development  
Project Management for Urban Projects  
How to apply
Continuing education, Recognition of prior learning  
Course venue
Campus Marne la Vallée - Champs sur Marne, Bâtiment Bienvenüe
Training from

Entry requirements

This course is for professionals with at least two years of experience in the fields of study who can prove that they have a qualification equivalent to four years of higher education. It is possible to enrol in the course using recognition of professional experience. A high level of knowledge in French language (C1 level) is requested.

Benefits of the program

The course features activities jointly carried out with EUP teaching staff and urban project professionals, and combines various teaching formats (case studies, workshops, trips, conferences, scenarios, etc.). This range of activities, as well as the discussion generated between participants from various backgrounds, is one of the benefits of this course.

Acquired skills

By the end of the course, participants will have acquired the following skills: creating an urban project that is coherent with the global development strategy of a territory and its forms of local public action; developing and making an urban project operational; producing knowledge and analysis in fields related to urban planning and making it available; developing the ability to analyse local policies and urban projects.


The schedule of the course makes it unsuitable for international exchanges. But the study trip is usually abroad.



Course venue

Campus Marne la Vallée - Champs sur Marne, Bâtiment Bienvenüe

Your future career

Graduates will be able to progress in their current positions, take on other roles and/or change careers. They will be able to work in development, town planning and urban project departments in local and state authorities, social housing agencies, real estate development, urban service operators, developers, etc.

Professional integration

Graduates will be able to progress in their current positions, take on other roles and/or change careers. They will be able to work in development, town planning and urban project departments in local and state authorities, social housing agencies, real estate development, urban service operators, developers, etc. ▪ Train professionals to design and manage the different phases of an urban development project and coordinate the various stakeholders.

▪ Familiarise them with issues, strategy and action plans in project management.

▪ Make them aware of the risks, uncertainties and iterations of complex urban projects.

Study objectives

Train professionals to design and manage the different phases of an urban development project and coordinate the various stakeholders.

Familiarise them with issues, strategy and action plans in project management.

Make them aware of the risks, uncertainties and iterations of complex urban projects.

Major thematics of study

Urban planning, spatial development, project management, urban projects.


The course is organised into 10 successive modules (36 hours each), grouped into three units. The course offers transversal activities such as drafting a thesis (September), workshops (February to June) and a study trip (early July).

NAVARRE Francoise

Academic coordinator

COCO Marie-Claire

Academic secretary
Phone number : 01 71 40 80 33