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Bachelor's degree Engineering Sciences

Macaron diplôme national de Licence contrôlé par l'Etat
Sciences and engineering
Bachelor's degree  
Engineering Sciences  
Engineering Sciences  
How to apply
Initial training  
Course venue
Campus Marne la Vallée - Champs sur Marne, Bâtiment Clément Ader
Training from

Entry requirements

High school diploma with science (S) specialisation (specialisation in Maths or Physics and Chemistry) or a general high school diploma (the specialisations required are Maths or Physics and Chemistry; Advanced Maths is strongly recommended). We are working to include students with a high school diploma in science and technology for industry and sustainable development. First year: recruitment of high-school students (non-French high-school diploma, Campus France, French baccalaureate).

Benefits of the program

The first year is sufficiently general to allow students to choose a specialisation in one of the Engineering Sciences Licence programmes (or even Physics and Chemistry) at the end of the year. Options are available in the second semester to allow each student to personalise their course. The first year is a transitionary year from high school and teaching methods are adapted accordingly (groups of 30 to 35 students, no whole-year lectures).

Acquired skills

Solid training in general scientific theory, experimentation and digital technologies.


Ability to implement an experimental approach; collect, manage and present results; explain and present a project process, the knowledge concerned and the results obtained verbally and in writing.


Ability to analyse a technical problem and the methods chosen to solve it.


Mastery of mathematical, physics and chemistry tools related to the field of engineering sciences (adapted to each of the three programmes).


Ability to extract information from technical documents, handle units and orders of magnitude and use a range of digital media.


Ability to select and use a suitable program: multiple practical sessions and group projects (working in pairs, multidisciplinary projects, oral assessments, professional culture).


Techniques of expression and oral communication.


English language skills


A number of ERASMUS students join the Engineering Sciences Licence in the second and third year.



Course venue

Campus Marne la Vallée - Champs sur Marne, Bâtiment Clément Ader

Your future career

After a joint first year with the Physics and Chemistry Licence course, students continue with the Engineering Sciences Licence degree in the second and third year.


Three programmes are available: Industrial Engineering, Organisational Engineering and Environmental Process Engineering.


Students receive guidance in the first year to help them define their career objectives.


After the third year, most students of the Engineering Sciences Licence continue with a Master’s or enrol at an engineering school.


Professional integration

Most graduates pursue further study in the same field (Master’s degrees, engineering schools) and then work in a company (large groups or SMEs).


Graduates very quickly find work in the different professions targeted by the course.

Study objectives

The Engineering Sciences Licence is designed to allow each student to build a solid foundation of general knowledge (core modules), complemented by a specialisation. Each student acquires core fundamental knowledge (maths, physics and IT) and more specialised knowledge from the third semester.


The Engineering Sciences Licence is characterised by the diversity and varied backgrounds of its students, but is designed to give its graduates common skills by the end of the third year, including pre-professional, multidisciplinary and linguistic skills, in addition to those specific to their discipline. This enables students to start defining their career objectives.

Major thematics of study

The Engineering Sciences Licence is designed to allow each student to build a solid foundation of general knowledge (core modules), complemented by a specialisation. Each student acquires core fundamental knowledge (maths, physics and IT) and more specialised knowledge from the third semester.


The Engineering Sciences Licence is characterised by the diversity and varied backgrounds of its students, but is designed to give its graduates common skills by the end of third year, including pre-professional, multidisciplinary and linguistic skills, in addition to those specific to their discipline. This enables students to start defining their career objectives.

Semester 1

Mathematics 1

Derivation, functions study, integration; differential equations; complex numbers; trigonometry.

6 22h 36h
Physical 1

Optique géométrique

Observation de phénomènes de propagation; lois de la réflexion et de la réfraction; propagation à travers des dioptres, des lentilles, un milieu continu modélisé en strates; formation d'images nette.


Teaching language


2 9h 9h 2h
Cinématique et dynamique du point matériel

Position, vitesse, accélération; forces; lois de Newton; frottements (solides et fluides); forces conservatives et énergies potentielles; théorème de l'énergie cinétique; conservation de l'énergie mécanique; cas des forces non conservatives.


Teaching language


5 22h 22h 4h
Chimie générale

Structure of matter : carbon; covalent bonds; conformations and configurations; molecular interactions.

5 20h 22h 6h
Electricity - electronic 1

Electrocinétique 1 - circuits en régime continu

Electrocinétique, circuits en régime continu : grandeurs électriques; bipôles; sources idéales et réelles; lois de Kirchhoff; loi d'Ohm; résistance.


Teaching language


3 10h 12h 4h
Electronique numérique 1 - circuits combinatoires

Electronique numérique, étude des circuits combinatoires : représentation de l'information (numération, codage), algèbre de Boole, fonctions logiques, portes logiques, codeur/décodeur/transcodeur, multiplexeur/démultiplexeur, additionneur.


Teaching language


2 8h 8h 4h
Informatique - C2I

Training for C2I level 1 skills

2 20h
Anglais 1

Upgrading of grammatical and lexical knowledge; listening simple documents.

2 20h

Simple laboratory techniques; reporting; operating spreadsheet; literature searches; specifications for the design of a good or service.

3 12h 12h
Anglais renforcé 1

Upgrading of grammatical and lexical knowledge; listening simple documents.

5 50h

Semester 2

Bases du Calcul matriciel et du Calcul vectoriel

Basics of linear algebra and vector calculus.

6 22h 36h
Physique 2 bases d'optique ondulatoire et de thermodynamique

Optique ondulatoire 1

Expériences d'interférence et de diffraction avec de la lumière; interprétation théorique.


Teaching language


2 6h 8h 4h
Bases de la thermodynamique

Pression, température, état thermodynamique d'un gaz, équation d'état; énergie interne, travail, chaleur, 1er principe; divers types de transformations; entropie, second principe; cycles et machines thermiques.


Teaching language


4 14h 20h 4h
Cinétique chimique et équilibres en solution aqueuse

Basics of chemical kinetics and application to simple cases; major reaction types in inorganic chemistry in aqueous solution (redox reactions, acid-base reactions); composition of equilibrium systems.

6 22h 22h 10h
Electricité - Electronique 2

Electrocinétique 2 - circuits en régime sinusoïdal

Electrocinétique, circuits en régime sinusoÏdal : valeur efficace, déphasage, phaseur; bobine d'inductance et condensateur, impédance et admittance, associations de bipôles, puissance active, résonance


Teaching language


2 8h 8h 4h
Electronique numérique 2 - circuits séquentiels

Electronique numérique, étude des circuits séquentiels : évolution, chronogramme, technologies synchrone et asynchrone, bascules (RS, JK, D), registres, compteurs.


Teaching language


2 6h 8h 4h
Introduction à la mécanique des fluides et des solides

Basic concepts used in fluid mechanics and solids; kinematic; forces and moments; energy; fundamental principle of dynamics.

2 8h 8h 2h
Anglais 2

Strengthening structures of general English and vocabulary; understanding of articles, forms, reports; listening of more elaborate documents; written production : simple and guided.

2 20h
Chimie au quotidien

Experimental sessions : technical and assay methods on everyday products and operating.

2 20h
Cycle de vie de produits

Description of all the stages by which a product passes from its creation to its destruction: tender, collaborative design, industrialization, distribution, use, impact on the environment, destruction (sorting, recycling ...).

2 10h 10h
Enjeux de l'environnement

Introduction to the risks of degradation and environmental pollution (impact of human activities, natural hazards).

2 10h 10h
Expériences de physique 1

Study of physics experiments in connection with the L1 courses.

2 20h
Initiation à l'électronique programmable

ARDUINO platform : presentation, interactions with environment, programming language, use in a project.

2 4h 8h 8h
Initiation à la science des matériaux

Properties of the three families of materials (metals, polymers and ceramics): stiffness of materials, ductility and elaboration of metals, oxidation of metals, fragility of glasses and ceramics, synthesis and properties of polymers.

2 8h 12h
Projet personnel de formation

Research on a profession and courses to access it; professional interviews; written and oral report.

2 10h

Discovery internship related to the student's project

UE libre

Anglais renforcé 2

Strengthening structures of general English and vocabulary; understanding of articles, forms, reports; listening of more elaborate documents; written production : simple and guided.

6 50h

LE QUERE Frederic (L1)

Academic coordinator

GRUBER Raymond (L1)

Academic coordinator

BASSINET Beatrice (L1)

Academic secretary
Phone number :
Building : Clément Ader

TASSEL Stephane