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Master's degree Housing and Urban Renewal

Macaron diplôme national de Master contrôlé par l'Etat
Human and social sciences, architecture, sport
Master's degree  
Urban Planning and Development  
Housing and Urban Renewal  
How to apply
Apprenticeship, Continuing education, Recognition of prior learning  
Course venue
Campus Marne la Vallée - Champs sur Marne, Bâtiment Bienvenüe
Training from

Entry requirements

This course is aimed at students with an M1 or equivalent degree, who have knowledge in urban planning and development and wish to develop their skills in order to work in housing, and housing, urban and urban renewal policy in residential areas.

Benefits of the program

The programme’s pedagogical format, with students alternating between working at a company and studying at EUP, serves three objectives: provide students with transversal knowledge through the curriculum, so that they master the fundamental aspects needed to understand and analyse issues related to the field of housing and urban renewal; help them acquire and master specialised professional skills and know-how, thanks to their long-term integration in the workplace; encourage them to adopt reflective and analytical practices, by bringing these different types of experience into conversation with each other.

Acquired skills

It targets the following skills: diagnosis, forecasting and local observation for public policy, strategy and projects (urban, real estate or urban renewal); consulting and support for public and private stakeholders in this area; coordinating and steering initiatives within larger projects, in all phases; coordinating the city’s urban and social management policy programmes; organising relations between project managers, contractors, residents, users and managers of property complexes; mobilising knowledge, methods and tools to propose adapted and innovative solutions in the various activities involved in jobs in housing and urban renewal.


Due to the schedule of the work-study programme, the course is entirely located in France.



Course venue

Campus Marne la Vallée - Champs sur Marne, Bâtiment Bienvenüe

Your future career

Graduates may work in: management roles in housing departments of institutions that handle such policy; consulting and support for these initiatives and projects, steering, development and management of social housing; private property operations management; coordination for the city’s policy missions, etc.


They may work at local authorities, social housing bodies, property developers, consulting firms, associations and foundations specialised in housing for people in need, etc. Though the work-study course prepares graduates to work in the industry straight away,they are also completely capable of pursuing a PhD if they wish do so.

Professional integration

In previous graduating classes, between 40-60% of graduates continued to work at the company where they carried out their work-study programme. Others were employed in structures/institutions in the field of housing and urban renewal, in relatively close connection with the missions they carried out during their year of training.

Study objectives

The objective of the course is to train students to work in the housing sector and in housing, urban and urban renewal policy for residential areas.

Major thematics of study

Urban planning, spatial planning, environmental science.


The work-study programme has a week-based structure: Between October and end of April, except for the period at the start of the year and the workshops, each week is made up of three days at a company and two days at university. From May to end of September, students are at their company full-time.

Semester 3

UE Introductive

Introduction to the main concepts of housing policies and urban renewal

4 30h 30h
UE Renouvellement urbain et politiques de la ville

The module will aim to give the students a culture on the issues and approaches of the French "Politique de la ville" and urban renewal, allowing them to intervene in these areas or / and to understand the logic of action and dialogue with the actors concerned.

5 18h 17h
UE Le logement social

The purpose of the module is to provide a global vision of social housing both as a major object of public housing policies and in its internal functioning, that is to say mainly in project management and management activities.

5 18h 17h
UE Sociologie de l'habitat et pratiques professionnelles

The purpose of this module is to sensitize the students to the sociology of housing and its applications and implications in the field of professional practices of housing and urban renewal.

5 18h 17h
UE Préparation du mémoire

Preparation of the end of studies dissertation and initiation of the activity report.

UE Etudes et ingénierie professionnelle

The purpose of the module is to familiarize apprentices with methods mobilized at different stages of projects or policies.

5 15h 25h
UE Workshop, études de terrain

During the workshops, the students are divided into groups of 7 to 9 people working on the same field of study - a French city outside the Ile-de-France - but on different issues. These workshops take place over a week.

4 35h

Semester 4

UE Marchés du logement et acteurs privés

The purpose of this module, which focuses on the actors and the private sector, is twofold: it will provide students with an introduction to the economic and social mechanisms of the housing markets and their actors, and to discuss public action on these markets and its dysfunctions.

5 18h 17h
UE Architecture et maîtrise d'ouvrage du logement

The purpose of this module is to provide participants with a knowledge of the evolution of housing architecture, between design, reception and production, through the client / architect / inhabitants relationship.

5 18h 17h
UE Evolutions sociodémographiques, trajectoires, mobilités

The purpose of this module is to train students in socio-demographic issues of housing and urban renewal by exposing demographic and social changes and their consequences in residential terms.

5 18h 17h
UE Etudes et ingénierie professionnelle

The purpose of the module is to familiarize apprentices with methods mobilized at different stages of projects or policies.

5 15h 25h
UE Workshop, études de terrain

During the workshops, the students are divided into groups of 7 to 9 people working on the same field of study - a French city outside the Ile-de-France - but on different issues. These workshops take place over a week.

4 35h
UE Mémoire

End of studies dissertation containing a professional activity report and a research article



Academic coordinator

Christophe NOYE

CAMARD Valerie

Academic secretary
Phone number : 01 71 40 80 90

La formation est accompagnée par un conseil de perfectionnement où sont représentées les principales institutions nationales ou franciliennes des milieux professionnels de l’habitat et du renouvellement urbain. Elle repose sur l’existence d’un vaste réseau (de collectivités, d’institutions publiques et privées, d’associations, de bailleurs sociaux et de promoteurs privés, de bureaux d’études et de cabinets de conseils, etc.), proposant des offres d’emploi, et accueillant des