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Master's degree Influence, Lobbying and Social Media

Macaron diplôme national de Master contrôlé par l'Etat
Management, Economy, Communication
Master's degree  
Economic Intelligence  
Influence, Lobbying and Social Media  
How to apply
Apprenticeship, Continuing education, Initial training, Recognition of prior learning  
Course venue
Campus Marne la Vallée - Serris, Institut Francilien d'Ingénierie des Services (IFIS)
Training from

Entry requirements

This course is for students who have completed three years of higher education after a high school diploma. It is open to students with training in the field of information and communication science, management, political science, law and social science in general, or professional experience eligible for the validation of professional skills. For candidates with more atypical profiles, the admissions panel looks in particular at the professional experience presented in their CV and cover letter (student jobs, volunteering, political and civic commitments, internships, apprenticeships).


Between one and two thirds of second-year students on the Economic Intelligence - Influence, Lobbying and Social Media Master’s are “newcomers” who have not completed the core Economic Intelligence - Info-com modules. However, the simplest entry route to the second-year Master’s course in Economic Intelligence - Influence, Lobbying and Social Media is through the first-year Master’s course at Université Gustave Eiffel. Students from this course have an ideal foundation of theoretical knowledge in social science and a range of economic intelligence methods, techniques and tools.

Benefits of the program

- Val d'Europe urban campus and building in the heart of Val d'Europe.

- Innovative projects and IFIS network, projects with international partners.

- Study trips to Brussels, conferences and research seminars.

- Mixed teaching methods: theory classes, tutorials, case studies and role plays.

- Empowering and creative tutored projects: communication audits; lobbying; events; digital presence and influence strategies, communication 2.0. actions; intelligence; infographics; serious games.

- Personalised tutoring for all students (apprenticeships, long work-study placements or continuing education): CV workshops, media training, skills assessment.

Acquired skills

- Be able to implement decision-making analysis processes in companies, ministries and local authorities; intelligence and survey methods; communication and influence strategies; sorting, presenting and transmitting information,

- Master social media strategies; relationships with influencers; design, formalise and evaluate lobbying / advocacy strategies,

- Organise risk prevention in the field of digital identity and reputation,

- Be able to manage crises; nurture an ethical reflection



Course venue

Campus Marne la Vallée - Serris, Institut Francilien d'Ingénierie des Services (IFIS)

Your future career

- Member of an economic intelligence unit in a company;

- Head of a reputational risk monitoring unit;

- Influencer; information / disinformation consultant and corporate communication strategy;

- Lobbyist;

- Coordinator of networks of actors (federations, associations, groups) and communities (clubs, think tanks);

- External, institutional and digital communication manager;

- Community manager, particularly on social networks (community management);

- Watchman, investigator and analyst on social networks;

- Consultant in public affairs and public relations.

Professional integration

Graduates are able to design, implement and coordinate various strategies and processes: information monitoring; analysis, preparation and transmission of information; communication; lobbying. They also possess multidisciplinary theoretical knowledge and know-how enabling them to master information and communication processes and tools in a wide range of professional settings. Economic intelligence and influence professions are very varied and change fast. The following list of functions is therefore non-exhaustive.

- Member of an economic intelligence unit in a company or consultant in EI strategies and influence in an agency;

- Monitoring and reputational risk management manager;

- Consultant in corporate or institutional communication strategies;

- Lobbyist; advocacy officer; campaigner; coordinator of networks of actors (federations, associations, groups) and communities (clubs, think tanks, political parties);

- Community manager, particularly on social networks (community management);

- Watchman, investigator and analyst on social networks;

- Consultant in public affairs and public relations.

Study objectives

The Influence, Lobbying and Social Media programme prepares students for sensitive roles in the management of information diffused by companies. It combines a managerial approach to information with the notion of economic intelligence and a communication-based approach to the processes and tools of influence and lobbying in the era of social media.

Graduates enter a wide range of professions depending on their curriculum and personal aspirations. Their career development also depends on their ability to build a coherent overall curriculum and their ambitions. Graduates are employed in all sectors, in companies but also in agencies and local authorities. They are not limited to positions in external communication or monitoring. Some work in EI articulation, public relations and digital project support, social communication and public and political communication.

Major thematics of study

The course is mainly related to the field of information and communication science but it is deliberately multidisciplinary. Case studies and tutored projects foster an interdisciplinary approach to the challenges of economic intelligence.

The knowledge and skills acquired draw on following fields:

- Information and communication science

- Theoretical approaches of organisations, decision making and information and communication processes.

- Management; digital project management.

- Economic intelligence; information engineering and monitoring.

- Risk and crisis management.

- Political science; sociology of organisations.

- Analysis of decision-making processes.

- Influence; lobbying; digital communication strategies; identity; image and reputation in the age of social media.

- IT - Database creation and management - Knowledge management - Big data and data marketing.

- Intangible assets and intellectual property law. Communication Law

- History of lobbying; economic intelligence and European, French and local institutions.


Classes are held every Thursday from October to July plus six weeks spread throughout the year.

Semester 3

UE 1 - Veille et information élaborée

The first program unit deals with information research, competitive intelligence methods and tools, and the intelligence cycle. Students get to learn how to collect process and provide clients with accurate quality information and analysis, easy to understand and visualize. They also get insights on Big data.

Veille : sources, stratégie, outils et méthodologies


Teaching language


3 28h
Outils de production d'information élaborée et cartographie décisionnelle


Teaching language


3 28h
Enjeu et traitement des Big data


Teaching language


3 28h
UE2 - Communication

This program unit is aimed to stand at the crossroads of many dimensions of strategic communication. The students are trained in institutional communication, philanthropy and sponsorship as well as crisis communication and management communication at a time of CSR. It presents the use of images as influence tools through semiotics and visual studies appproaches with an emphasis on the mechanisms of adhesion, engagement, personification and representation and assignation.

Communication institutionnelle, mécénat et sponsoring


Teaching language


2 8.75h 8.75h
Communication de crise


Teaching language


2 7h 7h
Communication visuelle et audiovisuelle


Teaching language


1 3.5h 3.5h
Socio-sémiotique de l'influence, représentation, assignation


Teaching language


2 7h 7h
Communications d'entreprise et managériales responsables


Teaching language


2 7h 7h
UE 3 - Influence

The Influence program unit apprehends issues such as media and information in an attention economy, with a focus on specific topics such as fact-checking, fake news, war news, infomediation. It also addresses the issues of identity, e-reputation, influencers and lobbying strategies in a web 2.0. context.

Médias, information, économie de l'attention, infoguerre


Teaching language


3 14h
Communication web : identité, e-réputation, médias sociaux


Teaching language


3 21h
Influence et influenceurs et lobbying


Teaching language


3 21h

Semester 4

UE 4 - Lobbying

The classes of the program unit on lobbying are designed as core skills to the Master's degree. It aims at mastering many lobbying methods and tools in various contexts (local, national, European), at being able to adapt one’s strategy to complex normative and deontological environments and to act accordingly to one’s own ethical principles. Lobbying and advocacy are examined in a multidisciplinary perspective. Rhetoric, argumentation and negotiation are taught through cases-studies, theatrical roleplays and serious games. It addresses soft power strategies and tools, from public and political communication perspectives with a specific focus on international public diplomacy practices.

Soft power, communication politique et diplomatie publique


Teaching language


1 5.25h 5.25h
Rhétorique et plaidoyer : argumentation


Teaching language


1 5.25h 5.25h
Méthodes et outils de lobbying et plaidoyer


Teaching language


3 10.5h 10.5h
Environnement normatif, déontologie et éthique


Teaching language


1 3.5h 3.5h
Stratégies et techniques de négociation


Teaching language


1 3.5h 3.5h
UE 5 - Stratégies internationales et gestion de projets

This program unit is built around to related skills, internationalization strategies and project management. The pedagogy is very much empowering since students work for a real client that meets internationalization of markets and careers issues. With the help of a mentor, they learn to respond to this client’s needs, they work in a junior business style on the brief, the creation, the delivery and the execution of the specifications. This requires them to activate personal and transversal skills.

Conseil - Gestion de la relation client


Teaching language


3 14h 14h
Conseil - Livrable écrit et animation de réunion


Teaching language


2 3.5h 3.5h
Outils et stratégies internationales hybrides d'IE


Teaching language


2 7h 7h
Business English, Management, Lobbying and Public Relations


Teaching language


2 12.25h 12.25h
UE 6 - Techniques d'enquête et initiation à la recherche

The 6th program unit aims to deepen students’ knowledge of qualitative and quantitative research techniques seen in the first year of Master. They are trained to scientific epistemology and methods in a professionalization perspective but also to allow some students to test their motivation to enter a doctoral program. They write a scientific article or pronounce a communication at a conference. By participating in a science popularization project and in the organization of conferences with professionals, students develop their relational skills, their event communication methods and benefit from networking-prone work environments.

Méthodologies d'enquête qualitatives


Teaching language


1 7h 7h
Recherche et vulgarisation scientifique : mémoire, article


Teaching language


5 10.5h 10.5h
Conférences métiers - Business forums, interviews and trips


Teaching language


1 21h
Marketing et data driven marketing


Teaching language


1 21h
UE 7 - Tremplin professionnel

The 7th program unit is designed as a professional springboard. Its main element is a lenghty work experience (block-release trainig ) apprenticeship, professionalization contract or internship of 5 months minimum. This unit is jointly assessed by academic tutors and tutors within companies. This professionalizing experience leads to the preparation of a skills’ assessment presented during a defense that is grouped with that of a scientific article (6th teaching unit).

Alternance : apprentissage, stage (5 mois min.)


Teaching language


Bilan de compétences


Teaching language


3 7h


Academic coordinator

Aurélie RAMAND

Academic secretary
Phone number : 01 60 95 78 24
Office : 110

Isabelle LE GOUILL

Bureau d'accueil et d'information des étudiants
Phone number : 01 60 95 78 14
Office : 111