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Professional Bachelor Quality, Hygiene, Health, Safety at Work and the Environment

Macaron diplôme national de Licence Professionnelle contrôlé par l'Etat
Sciences and engineering
Professional Bachelor  
Quality, Hygiene, Safety, Health and the Environment  
Quality, Hygiene, Health, Safety at Work and the Environment  
How to apply
Apprenticeship, Continuing education, Initial training, Recognition of prior learning  
Course venue
  • Campus Marne la Vallée - Serris, Institut Francilien d'Ingénierie des Services (IFIS)
  • PROMEO Formation Senlis : 1 avenue Eugène Gazeau 60300 Senlis
Training from

Entry requirements

This course is designed for students who have completed two years of higher education (120 credits).

It is open to students with training in this field, but also to applicants from more unusual backgrounds whose profiles enrich each graduating class, as well as experienced professionals who wish to validate professional skills.

Benefits of the program

The course includes numerous case studies that take place in a wide range of professional contexts (factories, schools, inclusion-through-work centres). A dissertation based on the work placement must be written and defended. Students establish diagnoses, inform their thinking through reading and put forward recommendations. Tutored projects include a range of creative and varied activities: prevention and awareness-raising events; strategic intelligence and in-depth analysis of a given theme; writing informative blogs.

Acquired skills

The Quality, Hygiene, Health, Safety at Work and the Environment professional Licence is a year-long course that aims to equip students with the skills to organise health and safety at work and environmental actions “on the ground” and in line with company policy and strategy, provide support for their implementation (in particular through rules and prevention plans, such as the French document unique), analyse accidents at work and evaluate workstations.



Course venue

Campus Marne la Vallée - Serris, Institut Francilien d'Ingénierie des Services (IFIS)

Other course venue

PROMEO Formation Senlis : 1 avenue Eugène Gazeau 60300 Senlis

Your future career

At the end of this professional Licence, graduates can apply for the following jobs: Occupational risk prevention officer, Safety and the environment officer, Environmental manager, Prevention officer, Risk prevention technician.

Some go on to occupy very specific roles: Leader of a support network for addictive behaviour in an occupational medical centre, Chemical hazard specialist in an airport, etc.

Some of the best students go on to study for a professional Master's degree.

Professional integration

Six months after graduating from this course, 90% of students who have not chosen to pursue a professional Master’s are employed as risk prevention officers.

Graduates work for all kinds of organisation (companies, large groups, SMEs, local authorities, associations) and in all sectors (industry, services). Some hold positions that enable them to work on the prevention of all occupational risks, while others opt for a position that focuses on a very specific type of risk: chemical hazards in airport parking spaces, integration of disabled people in local government, waste sorting and processing in a petrochemical company, arduousness in a transport and storage company, addiction prevention in a community of towns and villages, supporting an MSD prevention policy in a chain of nursing homes, etc.

Employment rates are generally very high in the sector of quality and health and safety at work, and this is particularly true for graduates from the Quality, Hygiene, Health, Safety at Work and the Environment professional Licence of the Ile-de-France Institute of Service Engineering.

Study objectives

The Quality, Hygiene, Health, Safety at Work and the Environment professional Licence aims to train professionals capable of leading the occupational risk management and prevention policy defined for a given organisation and of coordinating the necessary resources.

A good professional must be able to:

- evaluate health and safety risks at workstations based on the analysis of work situations, statistics and past information about the workstation;

- understand the French regulatory framework and have comparative notions of approaches to health and safety at work in other countries;

- propose solutions enabling preventive action to be taken against the causes of accidents at work;

- be familiar with occupational illnesses and draw up different solution scenarios;

- contribute to the drafting of operational safety instructions at workstations and monitor their implementation;

- organise communication actions to raise awareness among operators about respecting the health and safety at work and environmental policy and in-house and operational rules;

- contribute to improving workstation environments and integrate the issue of ergonomics during workstation design;

- coordinate actions by staff working in the areas of the environment, health and safety at work and working conditions (care, ergonomics, hygiene, safety, HR, in-house communication, etc.);

- advise and assist operational management teams in the development and implementation of the company's health and safety policy; support, train and encourage middle managers; contribute to and promote the culture of health and safety at work on a daily basis.


Students attend classes approximately every other week until April (with a minimum of 20 weeks in a company during the year).

The first weeks of the year take place at the University.


Academic coordinator

Amandine GORDON

Academic secretary
Phone number : 01 60 95 78 12
Office : 220

Isabelle LE GOUILL

Bureau d'accueil et d'information des étudiants
Phone number : 01 60 95 78 14
Office : 111