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Professional Bachelor Fashion Careers

Macaron diplôme national de Licence Professionnelle contrôlé par l'Etat
Arts, Literature and Languages
Professional Bachelor  
Fashion Careers  
Fashion Careers  
How to apply
Apprenticeship, Continuing education, Initial training, Recognition of prior learning  
Course venue
  • L’École supérieure des arts appliqués DUPERRE,
  • ESAA DUPERRE11 rue Dupetit-Thouars, 75003 Paris
Training from

Entry requirements

This Professional Licence degree is aimed at students who have completed two years of higher education: Advanced Vocational Training Certificate (BTS) in Fashion or a two/three-year higher education degree in applied arts. It is not open to students who have completed BTS or Licence degrees in Fashion Management.

Benefits of the program

Partnership with ESAA Duperré, France’s most prestigious school for applied arts for fashion. Access to ESAA’s facilities and dual student card. The course is structured around three areas: artistic culture, professional techniques, and a 12- to 24-week work placement. All three come together with students completing a tutored project, which is assessed by professionals and presented at the ESAA exhibition.

Acquired skills

Technical and professional skills: knowledge of materials, techniques, creation processes and computer tools.


Cultural skills: knowledge of art history, aesthetics and techniques for exhibition installation. Good command of English.


Skills in marketing, entrepreneurship and ethical and sustainable production: knowledge of the way in which various fashion companies operate (luxury and mass production) as well as of principles and techniques used in ethical and sustainable production.


There are many opportunities for work placements abroad, mainly in England, the United States and Italy (clothing), India (embroidery), in Germany (wool), etc. Each graduating class of 25 includes at least one or two international students. Partnerships are currently being developed with Japan.



Course venue

L’École supérieure des arts appliqués DUPERRE,

Other course venue

ESAA DUPERRE11 rue Dupetit-Thouars, 75003 Paris

Your future career

At the end of this Professional Licence, graduates may work in the following roles:


Fashion designer (clothing, accessories, retail, fashion communication), in a studio, as a freelancer or in-house.

Study objectives

The key purpose of this course is to ensure students put the knowledge they acquired during the BTS into practice, in creative work as a professional designer. Students should have learned to collaborate, to manage their projects while factoring in external technical contributions, and to present and “sell” them, while reflecting on design, intention, audience and the conditions for economic exploitation.


In-depth knowledge of materials and techniques will enable students to develop the skills required for designing and creating collections, and/or communicating around them.


Learning how to coordinate and collaborate on projects will directly pave the way for students to enter the industry.

Major thematics of study

Aesthetic culture: Art history, aesthetics and visual culture




Corporate culture and sustainable development


Fashion marketing (luxury and mass retail)


Computer graphics, photography and digital techniques


Creative laboratory


Studio for collection design and creation


Work placement: between January and June.


Academic coordinator - Université

BUARD Mathieu

Academic secretary Ecole

LANDEAU Nathalie

Academic secretary
Building : Copernic
Office : 3B022

LARANCE Charlène

Gestionnaire formation continue
ALLEBE Chrystel
Gestionnaire VAE

La licence professionnelle met en partenariat plusieurs entités : L'Université de Paris Est Marne-la-Vallée (UPEM), qui assure la coordination administrative de la licence et l’organisation des jurys ; l'Ecole Duperré qui assure les enseignements. L’école encadre les projets tuteurés, participe aux jurys et au choix des professionnels du jury de projets et assure la coordination de l’ensemble de la formation pour la partie technique notamment ; le CFA, qui assure le suivi des apprentis s'il y en a, du livret de l’apprentissage, des formalités administratives de l’apprentissage en relation avec les entreprises d’accueil des apprentis.