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Bachelor's degree Computer Science Health studies access option

Macaron diplôme national de Licence contrôlé par l'Etat
Sciences and engineering
Bachelor's degree  
Computer Science  
Computer Science Health studies access option  
How to apply
Initial training  
Course venue
Campus Marne la Vallée - Champs sur Marne, Bâtiment Lavoisier
Training from

Entry requirements

Target group: high school diploma holders. Expected skills: The high school diploma specialities required are Mathematics and Life and Earth Sciences or Digital and Computer Sciences. The Complementary Mathematics option is recommended.

Benefits of the program

This programme offers access to medical courses while also enabling students to study for a Licence in Computer Science. During the Licence, students may apply twice for medical courses. The requirement for admission is to have passed the current undergraduate year, in particular the Health module. Candidates from the various Computer Science Health access option programmes are then selected on the basis of their average grade in the current undergraduate year and any oral exams. Health courses are taught by the University of Créteil and delivered online. Other courses take place on the Université Gustave Eiffel campus.

Acquired skills

Acquisition of a sound scientific background in Computer Science and Health Sciences. Ability to apply a scientific approach. Presenting a project orally and in writing. In computer science: mastering the main types of representation of computer data, implementing an algorithmic solution in various programming languages, designing and maintaining a database and website. In Health Sciences: mastering the fundamental concepts needed to enter the second year of medical studies.



Course venue

Campus Marne la Vallée - Champs sur Marne, Bâtiment Lavoisier

Your future career

Admission (subject to selection) to the second year of medical studies (Medicine, Midwifery, Odontology, Pharmacy) at Université Paris-Est Créteil. Continuing on to a Licence in Computer Science, followed by a Master's degree in Computer Science.

Major thematics of study

Computer Science and Science for Healthcare

Semester 1

Calcul Différentiel et Intégral

The objective of this EU is to deepen the concepts of analysis seen at the science terminal and to improve the computational skills of students. Complex numbers, derivability, primitive calculation, study of usual reciprocal functions, polynomials, as well as first and second order ordinary differential equations, linear and with constant coefficients are discussed.


Teaching language


624h 36h
Suites et Fonctions

Content: 1) Real numbers (upper and lower bound, absolute value, integer part, axiomatic of R, intervals, density of rational and irrational numbers)2) Real sequences: monotonicity, convergence (with epsilon), inductive and adjacent sequences, Cauchy sequences, Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem, arithmetic and geometric sequences. 3) Real functions (limit with Epsilon, delta), continuity, image of a compact and non compact interval through a continuous function, uniform continuity, Heine's theorem, bijections, homeomorphisms, lipschitzian functions. 4) Derivation of real functions: definition, Rolle's theorem, Mean value theorem, local extrema, Taylor-Lagrange and Taylor-Young formula, limited developments and application to local extrema.


Teaching language


624h 36h

The learning outcomes of the "méthodologie des mathématiques" course are designed to acquire the mathematical method based on the unambiguous definition of notions, the formulation of conjectures, the formulation of mathematical propositions and their demonstration using logic from more basic propositions, going back to the axioms. To do this, learning and mastering the language of mathematics is fundamental (speech, syntax, objects, variables). This course aims to allow the acquisition of the basic elements of this language by its implementation in simple demonstrations addressing basic but new concepts that will be seen in class. Topics include naïve set theory, applications, binary relations, natural integers and groups. At the end of this course the students will be able to independently demonstrate simple original propositions concerning these notions. This course is built around three modalities: the lecture, the tutorials, and the personal work. These revolve around the elements transmitted in class and in Tds but also with the help of other educational resources, including self-correcting exercises.


Teaching language


624h 36h
Algèbre 1

The course of Linear Algebra consists of three chapters. The first chapter defines the vector spaces, the bases, and introduces the notion of dimension.Then we deal with linear applications: kernel, image, rank, projectors. The last chapter is about matrices: their links to linear applications, base change, and linear systems.


Teaching language


624h 36h
Algorithmique et Programmation 1

This module is the very first computer science course of the degree and is intended for students who do not necessarily have experience in computer science. Its main objective is to introduce the fundamental bases of imperative programming (values, types, variables, conditionals, loops), as well as the basics of algorithmics (list manipulation, strings). The support language is Python.


Teaching language


918h 18h 36h
Algorithmique et Programmation 1 (approche par problèmes)

This module is intended for students who already have some experience of computer science in general, and in Python programming in particular (especially students who have followed the NSI speciality in ``première'' or ``terminale'' in high school). It emphasizes accompanied problem solving, and requires autonomy, curiosity and perseverance for students. The module is divided into four or five sequences, each of which consists of the presentation of a problem, its resolution by the students and the presentation of the work done in the form of a short document, generally accompanied by a Python program. This course shares the main learning objectives of Algorithms and Programming 1 (AP1): basic concepts of imperative programming and the Python language, elementary algorithms (especially list traversal), creation of readable and structured programs. The theoretical part of the course will be based on a common evaluation with the one of AP1.


Teaching language


918h 18h 36h
Projet Informatique 1

This second part of the semester is devoted to introducing students to the basic concepts of how to carry out a computer science project of reasonable size from start to finish. The practical part of this module consists precisely in designing such a project in Python. Special attention will be paid to communication and presentation: students will have to know how to write a documentation and to present their work during a defense.


Teaching language


36h 12h
Remédiation Informatique 1


Teaching language


Algorithmique et Programmation 2

This course is the continuation of Algorithms and Programming 1 (AP1) from the first semester. It builds on the notions previously introduced to study new and more advanced ones. In particular, the notions of recursive programming and complexity are covered. Some classical backtracking algorithms, searching, and sorting will also be introduced.


Teaching language


518h 18h 18h
Algorithmique et Programmation 12(approche par problèmes)

This module is intended for students who already have some experience with the specific algorithmic topics covered in Algorithms and Programming 2 (AP2). It may be of particular interest to students who have taken the NSI speciality in ``terminale'' in high school. Like the APP1 module, it emphasizes accompanied problem solving, and requires autonomy, curiosity and perseverance from the students. The module is divided into four or five sequences, each consisting of the presentation of a problem, its resolution by the student, and the presentation of the work done in the form of a short document, generally accompanied by a Python program. This teaching shares the main learning objectives of the AP2 module: recursion, complexity, searching and sorting algorithms, stacks, queues, implicit graph traversal. The theoretical part will be based on a common evaluation with the AP2 module.


Teaching language


518h 36h
Programmation Web

This module is an initiation to the creation and to the programming of web pages. After a brief description of the mechanisms by which the internet works, the focus will be on the study of the web and the creation of web pages. To do this, the structure of the content of a web page (HTML) will be presented first, then its appearance (CSS), and finally the dynamic modification of these (Javascript) by the user's web browser.


Teaching language


518h 18h
Projet Informatique 2

This second semester course is a continuation of Project 1 (Pr1) taught in the first semester. Here again, students will be introduced to methods for designing a computer science project. Such a project will have to be carried out entirely. It will be based on most of the notions seen so far (Python programming, algorithms and web programming) and, if the opportunity arises, will propose a project using all of them.


Teaching language


26h 12h
Remédiation Informatique 2


Teaching language


Anglais 1

The teaching of English during the bachelor's degree aims to improve written and oral skills so that students become more autonomous. The aim is to be able to understand and communicate in future professional exchanges, as well as to be able to understand the scientific articles that they may encounter during their studies and/or professional lives. Throughout the bachelor's degree, English courses focus on providing an opening to different cultures in order to encourage exchanges between countries. Level groups are set up during the first semester to enable everyone to approach English courses in the best possible conditions. The emphasis is on oral participation thanks to a quality policy of the UFR which organises English courses in half groups.


Teaching language


Anglais 2

The teaching of English during the bachelor's degree aims to improve written and oral skills so that students become more autonomous. The aim is to be able to understand and communicate in future professional exchanges, as well as to be able to understand the scientific articles that they may encounter during their studies and/or professional lives. Throughout the bachelor's degree, English courses focus on providing an opening to different cultures in order to encourage exchanges between countries. Level groups are set up during the first semester to enable everyone to approach English courses in the best possible conditions. The emphasis is on oral participation thanks to a quality policy of the UFR which organises English courses in half groups.


Teaching language


Physique 1

The Physics 1 option focuses on the kinematics and dynamics of the material point: description of three-dimensional movements (cartesian and cylindrical coordinates, Frenet base), taking into account the friction forces. In addition to a description of parameters such as position, velocity and acceleration vectors, an energy approach is proposed: kinetic, potential and mechanical energies, with particular attention to conservative fields.


Teaching language


312h 12h
Electronique 1

In the first part of “Electronics” course, the students discover the world of electronics and in particular the digital electronics. The teaching begins with an introduction covering the major developments in electronics from its beginnings in the twentieth century to the present day with the advent of nanoelectronics and digital systems. The first chapter introduces the counting system and the coding of information. We then discuss combinatorial logic, Boolean algebra, elementary logic functions and simplification techniques before presenting the realisation of logic circuits and systems. The following chapter is dedicated to the sequential logic with the introduction of the concept of memory, synchronous and asynchronous circuits. After introducing elementary flip-flops, we go through the realisation of sequential systems such as counters and registers.


Teaching language


312h 6h 4h
Italien 1

The course offers an introduction to the Italian language and culture through a lively method, with various educational activities (reading, listening, role play, work in pairs or groups, fun activities) and uses of different types of media (text, audio, video, etc.). The four skills (comprehension, listening, writing, speaking) are practiced in order for the learner to be able to face everyday life situations (introduce him or herself, give or obtain information, travel, shopping, hobbies, work, etc.). Evaluation method: continuous monitoring. Students are required to attend the lessons and to participate to all the tests.


Teaching language


Japonais 1

This Japanese course is an introduction for beginners. The main objective of this course: building a solid foundation and knowledge of the Japanese language which allows students to be autonomous and efficient in a work situation. The organization of the lesson: after learning quickly the Japanese alphabets (46 hiragana and 46 katakana), we study one grammar lesson and learn at least 30 words during each session. The grammar lesson is completed with a conversational lesson conducted by a Japanese assistant sent by the Hyogo department in Japan. The cultural and international aspects: the Japanese news are discussed in class. Moreover, we organize exchanges with Japanese students from the Hyogo University.


Teaching language


Anglais renforcé 1


Teaching language


Economie 1

Introduction à l'économie (première partie).


Teaching language


Atelier Ecriture 1

Creative writing 1 and 2 are divided into 5 chronological phases : 1 - Reacquisition of incomplete French rules through their relearning and evaluation tests (semester 1). 2 - A deep reflection on your relationship to mathematics and computer science (semester 1). 3 - Creation and invention writings from biographies of mathematicians and computer scientists (semesters 1 and 2). 4 - An exchange and bridges between mathematics and the arts, culminating in the creation texts (semester 2). 5 - Games oulipiens (semester 2). The creative writing is made up of a group of 20 students maximum. Attendance, active participation and the acquisition of creative writing methods make it possible to enter creative writing from the beginning of the first semester and will ensure good results. New students can be welcomed in the 2nd semester creative writing.


Teaching language


318h 18h
Réchauffement climatique et transition énergétique : s'adapter et agir

By 2050, we will face a double climate challenge. We need to adapt to the consequences of global warming and the energy transition, some of which are already visible: extreme weather events, social unrest and political tensions around energy, health disasters, etc. Simultaneously, we need to fight against global warming: will it be enough to eat less meat and drive an electric car? Will we need to change our consumption patterns and digital habits? Meeting this double challenge of adaptation and action requires understanding the issues related to global warming and energy transition, identifying possible levers of action and quantifying the impact of possible solutions. In this course, we will describe the mechanisms to explain the climate on earth: historical perspective and the greenhouse effect. We will explain the impact of man on the climate mainly through his exploitation of fossil fuels (oil, coal and gas). We will discuss the impact of man on biodiversity and its consequences. We will describe the need for the energy transition, ie the gradual abandonment of fossil fuels in favor of low carbon energies (solar, wind, hydrogen – and nuclear?). Finally we will quantify the possible solutions to reduce global warming: individual actions (food, transport, consumption), collective actions (carbon tax, planning), etc. From a quantitative point of view, you will get acquainted with the units and orders of magnitude of the energy transition (kilowatt-hours, tonnes of CO2 equivalent, parts per million, total CO2 emissions per year, remaining CO2 budget for the 2°C scenario…). You review your multiples of 1000 (mega, giga, terra) and your fractions of 1000 (micro, nano, pico). You will do rules of 3 and other slightly less basic practical calculations (how much will the sea level rise if the “Doomsday Glacier" melts?). From a news point of view, you will use many media supports (press, podcasts, blogs, TV broadcasts, videos, social networks, etc.) to build a personnal knowledge related to global warming by understanding the concepts of information source, information verification and conflict of interest.


Teaching language


318h 6h
UE Libre



Teaching language



Semester 2

Algèbre linéaire 2

Déterminants, réduction des endomorphismes, espace euclidien.


Teaching language


824h 36h
Suites, séries, intégrales

1 : Etudes des suites numériques et complexes, formules de Taylor. 2. Etude des séries numériques et complexes. 3. Intégrale de Riemann


Teaching language


824h 36h
Labo math-info

L'objectif du cours est d'apprendre à représenter et manipuler informatiquement les objets mathématiques de base, à effectuer des calculs algébriques et numériques en utilisant l'outil informatique, à explorer des problèmes mathématiques à l'aide de l'outil informatique, à modéliser et résoudre des problèmes pratiques en utilisant les mathématiques et l'informatique. Le cours est organisé autour d'une série de problèmes variés (ensemble de Mandelbrot, cryptographie, splines, calcul des fonctions usuelles, etc.) comportant une partie théorique et une partie pratique (programmation). Les concepts mathématiques intervenant dans ces problèmes sont les concepts de base vus en première année : arithmétique, relations binaires, nombres complexes, suites et fonctions, polynômes, algèbre linéaire, matrices, etc. La partie programmation est réalisée en Python.


Teaching language


32h 7.5h
Fonctions de plusieurs variables – Courbes et surfaces

Etude des fonctions de plusieurs variables, extrema. Intégrales doubles triples, Fubini, changements de variables, courbes paramétrées


Teaching language


824h 36h
Suites séries de fonctions

1. Notions de convergence des suites de fonctions et propriétés des fonctions limites. 2. Séries de fonctions usuelles, séries entières, dérivation et intégration sous le signe somme. 3. Intégrales de Riemann généralisée, critères de convergence.


Teaching language


824h 36h
Travaux pratiques encadrés probabilités ou équations différentielles

TPE dans le domaine des probabilités, ou bien TPE dans le domaine des équations différentiel


Teaching language




Teaching language


Anglais 1

The teaching of English during the bachelor's degree aims to improve written and oral skills so that students become more autonomous. The aim is to be able to understand and communicate in future professional exchanges, as well as to be able to understand the scientific articles that they may encounter during their studies and/or professional lives. Throughout the bachelor's degree, English courses focus on providing an opening to different cultures in order to encourage exchanges between countries. Level groups are set up during the first semester to enable everyone to approach English courses in the best possible conditions. The emphasis is on oral participation thanks to a quality policy of the UFR which organises English courses in half groups.


Teaching language


Anglais 2

The teaching of English during the bachelor's degree aims to improve written and oral skills so that students become more autonomous. The aim is to be able to understand and communicate in future professional exchanges, as well as to be able to understand the scientific articles that they may encounter during their studies and/or professional lives. Throughout the bachelor's degree, English courses focus on providing an opening to different cultures in order to encourage exchanges between countries. Level groups are set up during the first semester to enable everyone to approach English courses in the best possible conditions. The emphasis is on oral participation thanks to a quality policy of the UFR which organises English courses in half groups.


Teaching language




Les tissus


Le système immunitaire


Les infections








Exploration et Imagerie






Epistémologie de la médecine


Psychologie Médicale



DOYEN David (L1)

Academic coordinator

RIBAUD Francis (L2)

Academic coordinator

Christine BIAS (L1-L2)

Academic secretary
Phone number : 01 60 95 72 22
Office : 010

Université Gustave Eiffel – Université Paris-Est Créteil