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Bachelor's degree Industrial Engineering

Macaron diplôme national de Licence contrôlé par l'Etat
Sciences and engineering
Bachelor's degree  
Engineering Sciences  
Industrial Engineering  
How to apply
Initial training, Recognition of prior learning  
Course venue
Campus Marne la Vallée - Champs sur Marne, Bâtiment Lavoisier
Training from

Entry requirements

To apply, candidates must ideally have a STAPS Adapted Physical Activities and Health Licence degree, but the training programme is open to other Licences depending on the career objectives. Other Level II graduates (with a Licence degree or M1) may apply for admission to the training programme.

Benefits of the program

The Master's in Adapted Physical Activity and Health combines multi-disciplinary knowledge of life sciences and social sciences with management skills, preparing students for the variety of jobs the sector has to offer. An intensive general training programme in Master 1 is supplemented by significant work experience through work placements and supervised projects in M1 and M2, which helps students find employment at the end of the second year.


More information on the website:

Acquired skills

The targeted skills are as follows: mobilising and optimising the human, financial, administrative and material resources necessary for constructing a project; assessing, regulating and communicating the results of the actions conducted; acting ethically with knowledge of the environmental issues; fully grasping the use and effects of adapted physical activity for health purposes; analysing the condition and specific needs of individuals and groups, in relation to their environment; managing a team in compliance with the law and constructing an adapted collective intervention project.


Students can spend a semester abroad and foreign students may be accepted on the degree programme.



Course venue

Campus Marne la Vallée - Champs sur Marne, Bâtiment Lavoisier

Your future career

The Master’s leads to a variety of management positions:


- Adapted Physical Activities programme coordinator in a specialised environment


- Director and manager of a private structure


- Director of a sports/health centre


- Regional Health Agency manager


- Consultant to rehabilitation and reconditioning centres


- Adapted Physical Activities engineer


- Personal trainer


The Master's degree may also lead to a PhD.

Professional integration

The adapted physical activity sector is expanding rapidly, enabling students to find employment in a wide range of sectors, including the medical, healthcare and social welfare and sports sectors, in the public domain and with private for-profit organisations and private associations.

Study objectives

The degree enables students to develop three skills sets: scientific skills, professional skills and sports skills. It develops students' design and management skills: designing, planning, supervising and assessing prevention programmes, health education programmes, care and rehabilitation programmes and reintegration and integration through adapted physical activity programmes, as well as projects for promoting adapted physical activity in keeping with the structure's plan. It enables students to develop a quality approach, participate in creating and developing health and social cohesion policies and their issues, and manage, allocate and plan the resources needed to complete a project or an assignment and/or for a service to operate correctly.

Major thematics of study

Life sciences, social sciences, management, knowledge of Adapted Physical Activities, communication tools and English


M1 courses from 04/09/23 to 16/02/24


Minimum 2-month work placement in M1


M2 apprenticeship/work-study contract from 11/09/23 to 14/09/24


Minimum 4-month work placement in M2 for students unable to find a work-study contract


In some research courses, there is a choice between life sciences and social sciences.

Semester 1

Mathématiques pour les SPI

1. Series ( Numerical Suites. Convergence, Convergence series, Convergence series, Comprehensive series.) 2. Linear algebra.

6 20h 40h
Mécaniques des fluides

Study of the dynamics of real fluids and applications: Generalised Bernoulli theorem, application to pumps, laminar flows, profile of velocities in pipes, application to viscosity measurements, Euler theorem and applications

3 10h 20h
Mécaniques des solides

1. Modelling of Mechanical Connections 2. Kinematics 3. Modelling of mechanical actions 4. Static of solid and mechanical systems

6 20h 40h

1. System Condition - Status Change 2. Principle 1 - Internal energy and enthalpy ratings 3. Second Principle - Machine Applications - Performance Coefficient 4. Thermal Engines - Diphasic Compression Heat Pumps. Ideal cycle, practical cycle.

3 10h 20h

The primary purpose of teaching in this discipline will be to improve the written and oral expression of students of various origins and often heterogeneous levels and to gradually lead them to a satisfactory mastery language and communication relationships,

3 4h
Economie d'entreprise

This teaching is intended to introduce succinct notions, allowing to identify the organizational and economic constraints to which the activity in enterprise is subject. These constraints influence the decisions taken as well as the technical aspects.

3 10h 20h
Gestion de production

The aim of this teaching is to lay the groundwork for scheduling and planning the production and management of stocks.

3 10h 20h

This teaching aims at oral and written expression through the study of texts and scientific or technical papers related to the sciences of the Engineer

3 30h

Semester 2

Statistiques pour les SPI

The aim of this teaching is to present the methods for exploiting experimental results and to give elements of experimental methodology. The applied statistical elements introduced in this course present some basic tools for synthesizing, representing and interpreting science data for the engineer.

3 10h 20h
Dessin Technique

The student must be able to recognise and determine, from an overall drawing with partial views, the forms and nature of the components of the system, to carry out the 2D view of the components independently, to determine the shape of surface intersections in a view and to realize perspective views ( Sketch, vanishing point,...).

5 6h 20h 24h
Résistance des matériaux

The student must be able to understand and perform design basis or control calculations in rigidity or resistance, as well as deformation measurements (linear static problem).

3 10h 20h

1. Office automation 2. Computing and Networking Information 3. Data Processing

3 6h 24h
Ingénierie et enjeux environnementaux

The aim of this teaching is to introduce the developed engineering approaches to address current environmental issues that affect all Science business lines for the Engineer.

3 6h 12h 12h
Propriétés des materiaux et structures

Multi-scale approach of the mechanical behaviour of an elastic material (covalent connection, crystallography, elasticity)

3 10h 20h
Production Industrielle 1

The student must be able to complete the phase contract of an existing machining range. He thus knows how to choose the appropriate cutting tools (geometry, materials), choose a positioning solution, choose the scheduling of operations, choose the cutting conditions and establish the manufacturing quotation.

5 10h 20h 20h
Conception des systèmes 1

The student must be able to determine the entry/exit law of a system, modify the architecture of a system, solve the positioning problems between parts or sub-set up functional conditions and functional rating calculations, participate in different stages of product design (modeling, pre-project, calculation note, project, validation, definition drawing) and write a technical file.

5 14h 28h 8h

Semester 3

UE Science pour l'Ingénieur 1

Outils mathématiques 1

1. Intégration ( Intégrales généralisées, Intégration numérique ) 2. Equations différentielles ( Equations différentielles à variables séparées, incomplètes, homogènes, du Premier et second ordre, Exemples d’équations différentielles non linéaire).


Teaching language


3 10h 16h 4h
Mecanique des fluides - Approche énergétique

L'étudiant est capable d'utiliser les méthodes et résultats de RDM (traction-compression-torsion) et connait l'influence des caratéristiques mécaniques des matériaux sur ces sollicitations.


Teaching language


3 10h 16h 4h
Qualité Sécurité Environnement - Développement Durable

Concepts généraux des champs QSE-DD


Teaching language


2 6h 14h
Organisation des entreprises

Les différentes organisations, l’entreprise et ses systèmes (Approche systèmique et entreprise / Les parties intéressées / Les entités légales / Stratégies et leviers de croissance / Gouvernance et RSE )


Teaching language


2 6h 14h
UE Anglais

The student must master current and technical vocabulary specific to the Industrial Engineering skill areas. The expected level of practice should enable students to be projected in Europe and the minimum oral and written level of English.

4 40h
UE Approche énergétique en GI

The student is able to analyse a system of energy recovery and transformation from industrial resources (decode industrial resources, propose adapted technical solutions) with the objective of designing the industrial platform supporting the system (assembly of standard components on the structure of the installation) and planning the implementation.

Electrotechnique industrielle


2 6h 10h 4h
Transmissions hydrauliques


Teaching language


2 6h 10h 4h
UE Conception des systèmes 2

The student is able to model a mechanical system from industrial resources (decode industrial resources, propose adapted technical solutions, map the technological elements according to the standard), dimensioning and/or selecting technological components and designing all or part of a two-dimensional mechanical system.

9 18h 56h 16h
UE Matériaux - Procédés

Material Feature - Materials Characterization Method - Ashby Method

3 10h 16h 4h

Semester 4

UE Science pour l'Ingénieur 2

Outils mathématiques 2

1. Fonctions à plusieurs variables ( Dérivées partielles, Divergence, rotationnel, Laplacien et application, Intégrales curvilignes, doubles, triples ). 2. Analyse Harmonique ( Séries de Fourier, Transformées de Fourier, Transformées de Laplace, applications, application aux équations différentielles).


Teaching language


3 10h 16h 4h
Mécanique des solides rigides et déformables

Thermomécanique des milieux continus


Teaching language


3 10h 16h 4h
UE Stage

Internship 3 to 4 months

UE Technique de communication

The student must be able to write in a correct syntactic and grammatical way a document supporting his or her internship: a letter of motivation, a CV appropriate to the sector concerned, an internship report (plan, pagination, contents, etc.), an oral presentation (substantive and formalized).

2 15h
UE Automatismes et Système de régulation

Study of automatism systems: concept of system, sequential automatism, enslaved.

3 6h 14h
UE Production des systemes industriels 2

The student must be able to construct pre-manufacturing design, select a manufacturing range and implement the phases of this range in a medium and large series context on Digital Control Tools Machines.

6 20h 24h 16h
UE Spécification et contrôle des pièces

The student must be able to read standard ISO functional specifications of a mechanical part, to define the means and methods for quantifying these quantities enabling the control of this part and to implement the corresponding means of measurement and controls.

5 17h 25h 8h
UE Outils informatiques pour le Génie Industriel

The student knows the basics of modern programming tools in relation to industrial constraints: object-oriented programming with interfacing, involving a traditional BASIC approach at first and then various Visual Basic case studies.

2 6h 10h 4h

TASSEL Stephane

TROUETTE Benoit (L2)

Academic coordinator


Academic coordinator


Academic secretary (L2-L3)