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Master's degree The Environment and Geomaterials

Macaron diplôme national de Master contrôlé par l'Etat
Sciences and engineering
Master's degree  
Risks and the Environment  
The Environment and Geomaterials  
How to apply
Continuing education, Initial training, Recognition of prior learning  
Course venue
Campus Marne la Vallée - Noisy le Grand, Bâtiment Alexandra-David-Néel
Training from

Entry requirements

Students who have passed M1 of this Master’s are automatically admitted to M2. Students who have completed a different first-year Master’s course in the fields of the environment, science, technology or health, or graduates from engineering schools, may enrol in one the Master’s specialisations subject to agreement by the teaching committee. Lifelong learning applicants may be able to validate some of the units based on their professional experience. They must submit a specific application (please contact the relevant course director).

Benefits of the program

Site visits to incineration plants, technical landfill sites, decontamination sites, water treatment plants, etc. and contributions from professionals provide an open-minded view of environmental fields. Teaching is based on case studies and mini projects to strengthen the practical aspects of several units.

Acquired skills

The Environment and Geomaterials specialisation aims to: - provide the fundamental knowledge needed to analyse environmental pollution (aquatic and terrestrial) due to urban, industrial and agricultural activities, and to analyse the life-cycle of geomaterials (from production to recycling); - provide the necessary tools for an environmentally-friendly approach (law, ISO standards, HQE, etc.).



Course venue

Campus Marne la Vallée - Noisy le Grand, Bâtiment Alexandra-David-Néel

Your future career

The Environment and Geomaterials programme of the Risks and the Environment Master’s aims to prepare students for careers in education or the research sector of public or semi-public organisations and professional technical centres. It also opens doors to careers in the research and development departments of large and medium-sized companies with a focus on environmental enhancement and sustainable development (design offices). It leads to environmental careers as an engineer or researcher in the following fields: pollution analysis and control (water and soil); management and treatment of pollution (water, soil) and waste; organisation of waste recovery chains; observation and management of environmental hazards; analysis and management of natural hazards; development of hazard-prevention plans; study and application the environmental regulations in force.

Professional integration

Surveys carried out by the university show that most Science and Technology Master’s graduates enter the professional world. 87% find a job within 18 months of graduating.

Study objectives

The Environment and Geomaterials specialisation aims to: - provide the fundamental knowledge needed to analyse environmental pollution (aquatic and terrestrial) due to urban, industrial and agricultural activities, and to analyse the life-cycle of geomaterials (from production to recycling); - provide the necessary tools for an environmentally-friendly approach (law, ISO standards, HQE, etc.).

Major thematics of study

Environmental legislation/standards/security; soil pollution and treatment; engineering geology; geotechnics; waste management: solid and liquid waste and their characterisation and treatment; natural water and pollution; site visits/conferences; water treatment technology; soil pollution diagnosis; storage matrices; quality, safety and the environment and work placement of 5 to 6 months.


Semester 3: theory, October-January; Semester 4: work placement, 5 to 6 months between February and September.

Semester 3


Contaminated land management policy. Awareness on environmental policy and standards applied to public and private areas. Details: - Contaminated land management in France - Standards and regulations - Environmental management system implementation, ISO 14001, ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001 - Missions of safety, health, environment, quality and security services - Labeled installation for environmental protection regulations - French regulations (water, air, soil, noise and waste) - European water regulations - Regulation watch

3 15h 10h
Soil pollution diagnosis

To present the useful tools to perform the diagnosis of a contaminated land. Details: - Reminder on main soil characteristics, contaminated land management, pollutant characteristics - Documentary study: identification of the information sources, nature of the required information - Field investigation: reminder on French methodologies on contaminated land, conception, sampling strategy, implementation (soil, surface water, groundwater, waste, plants), choice of the good investigation method, good practices, security on site, sampling procedure - Analytical chemistry: field tools, XRF, sample preparation, lab instruments: HPLC, GC, ICP, AAS, Mass Spectrometry.

3 12h 12h
Engennering Geology, Geotechnics

Geotech: Introduce basic concepts of soil mechanics, starting from elements of continuum mechanics and rheology, presented in a simplified manner. Using experimental laboratory data, we will present soils’ deformability and strength characteristics and also the large fields of geotechnical applications.

3 12h 12h
Waste management

Give an overview on technical, economic and environmental issues and different processes and different waste managements. - Composting processes- Thermal processes- Anaerobic treatment of waste (biogas, storage facilities bioactive waste) - Methods of technical and environmental evaluation of these processes

3 16h 16h
water pollution

Provide information and general data on the physico-chemical properties, weathering processes and issues related to water pollution and its impact on the environment. Details:- Water-rock interactions (alteration), water-air, water-living organisms -Origin and parameters of différent pollutions ( minral, organic) - Impact of water pollution environmental-prevention

3 12h 12h 6h
water treatment technology

Provide scientific and technical knowledge directly usable in the field of treatment of water and wastewater and sludge. Details : A) physico- chemical treatment processes : Coagulation- flocculation, sedimentation, filtration ( sand , activated carbon and membrane ) , disinfection, advanced oxidation processes (chemical photochemical electrochemical ...). B) Waste water treatment : - Physical treatments , biological , Elimination of nitrogen and phosphorus pollution , specific industrial effluent treatment. - Sludge treatment ; Origin , production, classification, chemical conditioning of sludge thermal treatment of sludge filtration treatment - sludge processing , biological anaerobic sludge stabilization and aerobic .

3 16h 16h 6h
Soil pollution

To know the basic principles of contaminated land management; to know the principal treatments and their application on the field. Details: - Introduction to contaminated lands ; - Environmental diagnostic; - Basic on soil treatment processes; - Evacuation physical treatments; - Trapping physical treatments; - Thermal treatments; - Chemical treatments;: - Biological treatments; - Regulations and economical aspects

3 12h 12h
waste storage matrices

This course presents an overview of the immobilization of hazardous wastes inside materials used as storage matrices. These materials are described through their structure and the alteration mechanisms that affect their durability and their efficiency of immobilization.

3 16h 16h 4h
Quality Safety Environment

The standards related to quality (after a presentation of AFNOR, presentation standards transversely more). -Concepts and principles of the ISO 9000:2005 Quality. -Representations of processes of organisms in the form of maps and links to the chapters of the ISO 9001:2008. -Various audits and certification. -An approach to problem solving and the traditional tools of Quality; -The safety management, Document Unique, 5S sites. -Environmental management standards and TD determination AES. -The Integrated Management System and Documentation Systems. -Links between SMI, the pillars of SD and CSR

3 12h 12h
Visits (field and compagnies) and conferences

Provide a broad overview of issues and environmental issues through conferences of specialists and visits to companies, factories and research laboratories in the region, primarily in the industrial and economic fabric of eastern Paris. - Take the classic context of classroom activities to discover the environment. - Meet professional trades related to the environment.

3 12h 12h

Semester 4

Long period intership

Five to six months of internship in a laboratory / research center (research orientation) or in business company (Professional orientation).



Academic coordinator


Academic secretary
Phone number :
Building : Alexandra David Neel
Office : 105

Partenariat avec des établissements de Recherche : IRSTEA, INRA, CSTB, EDF, CEA, LRMH (Laboratoire de Recherche des Monuments Historiques - Champs sur/Marne), IFSTTAR.