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Master's degree Métiers de la recherche et de l’étude en Aménagement-Urbanisme

Macaron diplôme national de Master contrôlé par l'Etat
Human and social sciences, architecture, sport
Master's degree  
Urban Planning and Development  
Métiers de la recherche et de l’étude en Aménagement-Urbanisme  
How to apply
Initial training  
Course venue
Campus Marne la Vallée - Champs sur Marne, Bâtiment Bienvenüe
Training from

Entry requirements


Benefits of the program


Acquired skills




Course venue

Campus Marne la Vallée - Champs sur Marne, Bâtiment Bienvenüe

Your future career


Professional integration


Semester 3

Atelier de recherche

Weekly workshop on a pre-determined question: hands-on acquisition of the techniques and methods of scientific research in the field of urban studies and urban planning. Questions addressed: How to choose the research protocol collectively, how to build the bibliographical field of the question, how to determine the possible associated fields, how to locate sources and data, how to access them, how to process them, how to "work with the stakeholders", how to produce a "study" oriented report or a more "research" oriented report, etc. These choices will be carried out in a workshop format. These choices will be made on commission from partner institutions, associated laboratories, and researchers from these same laboratories who are leading research projects...

8 12h 36h
Séminaire thématique

Two half-days are set aside during the week to allow students to attend and validate a course from the current offering of the other Master's courses, as well as from the Graduate program, related to their research project. ATT: closed list of available courses, to be confirmed with the corresponding M2 course leaders.

6 12h 18h
La recherche et l’étude en action

Nine sessions will be devoted to familiarizing participants with the professions and organizations involved in research, the professional contexts in which they operate, and the funding, support and programming mechanisms for research. Topics covered include information useful for a CIFRE thesis project, international researcher mobility, involved research, embedded research, action research and research and development. Sequences take the form of meetings with various professionals n the field. Certain sessions will be shared with EDVTT (on types of funding available for thesis enrollment in particular). Finally, in partnership with the Graduate program, one session will be devoted to a meeting with doctoral students from the program, to exchange advice and experience.

4 8h 10h
Suivi de l’élaboration du projet personnel de recherche

Weekly monitoring of individual research projects, leading up to the research dissertation in S2, and, if appropriate, the thesis project if the student continues in this direction. This follow-up serves as a seminar for the students themselves, enabling them to cross-fertilize their approaches, draw inspiration from each other, learn to critique their research projects, and continue to learn to work together. It does not impinge on the personal supervision provided by the dissertation supervisor, but enables students to meet regularly and collectively to compare their respective progress. The research workshops offered by the Graduate program can be combined with this follow-up course, if the chosen themes justify it.

3 24h
Activités communes à l’ensemble du master

Participation in cross-track activities for all M2 tracks in the Urban Planning Master's program, organized during the second week of October (dates to be confirmed).

3 15h
Epistémologie de la recherche et des études urbaines

Weekly: lectures on the fundamentals of SHS epistemologies and their specificities, accompanied by a study of the historical and ideological construction of the scientific field of urban studies (sources, current topics, paradigms and theories, regionalism, specificity of multidisciplinary and comparative approaches). This course is at the core of the research training dimension of the track. It is accompanied by a reading seminar on key texts in urban research and, more generally, in social sciences.

6 12h 12h

Semester 4


The internship is compulsory and lasts from 4 to 6 months. The internship must not be such as to hinder the student in his or her research work, or in the preparation of his or her thesis project. It takes place either in a laboratory, or in another organization involved in some way in advanced studies and applied research. It may also be linked to a Graduate program research workshop and housed in a lab.

Journées des projets

Following the seminars of the previous semester (UE5), students will be invited to present their projects in progress over two days in June, to enable discussion between peers and develop project critique, so that each student can gain perspective on his or her own work. These days are planned in partnership with the Graduate program, which will be inviting a few (2 or 3) students from other UGE masters programs to participate. Collaboration with EDVTT doctoral students present in partner laboratories and playing the role of discussants for these days is envisaged (to be confirmed), as is that of former Graduate program fellows now enrolled at EDVTT or EDC&S. Similarly, these days will be based on the principle of the Graduate program's Young Researchers seminar, this time aimed at Master's students.

2 24h
Réalisation du mémoire de recherche

The research dissertation takes up a large part of semester 2, and each student is supervised by a dissertation advisor, who is also the university tutor for the mandatory internship.

15 45h