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Master's degree Social Protection Engineering and Mutuals

Macaron diplôme national de Master contrôlé par l'Etat
Management, Economy, Communication
Master's degree  
Social and Solidarity Economics  
Social Protection Engineering and Mutuals  
How to apply
Apprenticeship, Continuing education, Initial training, Recognition of prior learning  
Course venue
  • Campus Marne la Vallée - Serris, Institut Francilien d'Ingénierie des Services (IFIS)
  • EN3S : 27 rue des Docteurs Charcot 421100 Saint-Etienne
Training from

Entry requirements

Access to the Social and Solidarity Economy Master’s in Social Protection Engineering and Mutuals is open to students who have completed four years of higher education in connection with the field of social protection (principal schemes and mutual insurance). Lifelong learning applicants who do not have this level of training may still be admitted through the validation of professional experience process.


The selection process takes place in two stages: pre-selection on the basis of application, followed by an admission interview, after which a panel of judges decides whether or not to admit the pre-selected candidates.

Benefits of the program

- Between 20 and 25 students.

- In partnership with EN3S, the course involves a network of recognised experts and professionals, ensuring it is grounded in the professional world. It is open to apprentices and accepts several lifelong learning students each year.

Acquired skills

The course aims to develop students’ skills through a work-study programme with time spent in a company and at the University:

- Acquire managerial skills in team and project management using appropriate technological tools, administrative productivity tools and reporting and budget monitoring tools in the framework of information systems applied to health and social data

- Develop legal skills (labour law, social security law, European social law) and managerial skills for managing the performance of a social protection organisation (accounting, financial analysis, management control, budget, internal auditing).



Course venue

Campus Marne la Vallée - Serris, Institut Francilien d'Ingénierie des Services (IFIS)

Other course venue

EN3S : 27 rue des Docteurs Charcot 421100 Saint-Etienne

Your future career

At the end of the course, graduates can apply for the following jobs:

- Senior manager in organisations covering the 8 risks: illness, occupational illness, old age, family, employment, housing, poverty and disability.

- Senior executive in basic and top-up social protection organisations (CPAM, MSA, RSI, special schemes, AGIRC-ARRCO, mutuals, providence institutions, Pôle Emploi, CNAV, UNEDIC, etc.)


They can also pursue research in the field of social protection.

Professional integration

Graduates from this course are employed in the following sectors:

- Compulsory social protection (social security, Pôle emploi, compulsory supplementary pensions),

- Top-up social protection (mutual societies, providence institutions, insurance),

- Consulting firms and companies providing support services for companies setting up company agreements on social protection and providence,

- Healthcare establishments.

Study objectives

The Master’s is designed to train senior executives in the field of social protection and mutuals. Knowledge of project management and management is therefore required.


Social protection engineering enables students to understand and master the issues at stake in social protection policies and their practical implementation by operators, regardless of their status (public or private). This approach is made possible, on the one hand, by the convergence of the challenges to be met and the management methods used, and on the other hand, by the sharing of responsibilities and actions between operators.

Major thematics of study

The main topics of study are:

- Public, health and social policies

- Cross-disciplinary approaches to social protection


The work-study schedule is based on 1 week of classes / 2 weeks of placement

Minimum work placement duration: 16 weeks.

Semester 3

General Social Security and Supplementary Organizations

In this part, the aim is to enable students to master the main elements of the general context of French social protection in the broad sense in its various dimensions, both of general-purpose organizations (CNAMTS, MSA, CNAV, CNAF ...) but also supplementary (mutual) organizations with both continuity and prospective elements. In particular, the dimension of network operations (pooling, etc.) will be taken into account.

Financement de la Protection sociale


Teaching language


3 10.5h 10.5h
Assurance maladie et santé


Teaching language


2 10.5h 10.5h
Famille et lutte contre les exclusions


Teaching language


2 10.5h 10.5h
Retraite, dépendance et personnes âgées


Teaching language


2 10.5h 10.5h
Transversal Dynamics in Welfare and Social Protection

This training part stress the transversal dynamics of the Social Protection also integrating elements allowing to better understand the issues, perspectives and challenges, taking into account the tensions often related to the specific goals of the different actors. Comparisons will make it possible to situate these main issues in the European and international context for models that can influence France. Fluency in English will be an important asset for jobs that can also be done abroad.

Approche comparative - systèmes européens et internationaux


Teaching language


2 7h 7h


Teaching language


2 24.5h
Le pilotage de la performance de la protection sociale


Teaching language


4 14h 14h
Organizations Analysis

This part is dedicated to teachings to better control social protection organizations and their development with the importance of project management, with all its strategic dimension and repositioning organizations with the dimension of change management. It also integrates the different aspects of human resources, management essential for the coherence of these organizations, with a sociology dimension of organizations: master the main questions of human resources, leading innovative projects, know how to contextualize them and give them a strategic dimension.

Management projets


Teaching language


4 12.25h 12.25h
Gestion des ressources humaines


Teaching language


4 10.5h 10.5h
Droit du travail


Teaching language


4 14h 14h

Semester 4


This part is dedicated to the Management of Social Protection Organizations and Supplementary ones, insisting on its articulation with information systems in their dimensions of interactions, with the daily and strategic management of these organizations. The quality management system, with all the importance of process steps, is essential. The evaluation dimensions (both internal and external) and audit are also crucial with an articulation with the aspects of accounting (general and analytical), cost control and budgets (management by objectives / results) and, of course, all the aspects of management control, including its strategic dimension.

Le système de management par la qualité


Teaching language


2 8.75h 8.75h
Systèmes d'information


Teaching language


2 8.75h 8.75h
Audit et évaluation


Teaching language


3 10.5h 10.5h
Comptabilité et opérations budgétaires


Teaching language


2 7h 7h
Contrôle de gestion


Teaching language


3 10.5h 10.5h

This part focus on the communication in a very broad approach of organizational dynamics, analysis of the role and function of executive and team management in its different dimensions (motivation, dynamics of change, conflict management, etc.) . The customer relationship dimension has become unavoidable, both for general-purpose Social Security organizations in their relationship with their users (customer approach) and, even more so, for supplementary social protection organizations, particularly mutual ones, in a specific sector, highly competitive. The satisfaction and loyalty of the "customer" has become essential as the marketing techniques and search for new customers or partners. The negotiation dimensions will thus be approached both in its internal and external dimensions.

Rôle et fonction du dirigeant, gestion d'équipe


Teaching language


3 10.5h 10.5h
Relation client


Teaching language


2 10.5h 10.5h
Study Dissertation

IPS Master's degree in sandwiches courses with integration of students in companies (apprenticeship way, continuous training ...), is based on a privileged partnership with the En3s, allowing co-operations with Social Protection Organizations and with Complementary Mutual Insurance Companies. He insists on professional immersion (case study) and on case studies, by promoting autonomy and taking responsibility of his students. In this perspective, the study dissertation must allow the students to enhance their professional immersion, to position themselves as a force of analysis and proposals. The methodology of study dissertation is inseparable from the personalized follow-up of the student by a referent teacher who is also in relation with his host organization.

Méthodologie et Mémoire


12 7h 7h


2 7h 7h
UE Séminaires (répartis sur l'année universitaire)

Actualité de la protection sociale (lien avec les programmes)


7h 7h

Christian BOURRET

Academic coordinator

Lydie PHAM

Academic coordinator


Academic secretary
Phone number : 01 60 95 78 11
Office : 107

Isabelle LE GOUILL

Bureau d'accueil et d'information des étudiants
Phone number : 01 60 95 78 14
Office : 111

Cette formation est également proposée chez notre partenaire l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Sécurité Sociale (EN3S) à qui il faut s'adresser directement pour candidater :