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Master's degree Engineering for Architectural and Urban Project Management

Macaron diplôme national de Master contrôlé par l'Etat
  • Human and social sciences, architecture, sport
  • Sciences and engineering
Master's degree  
Génie urbain  
Engineering for Architectural and Urban Project Management  
How to apply
Apprenticeship, Continuing education, Initial training, Recognition of prior learning  
Course venue
Campus Marne la Vallée - Champs sur Marne, Bâtiment Lavoisier
Training from

Entry requirements

The M2 in Engineering for Architectural and Urban Project Management is open to students who have completed an M1 in the fields of urban engineering, engineering sciences, urban planning, development, environment, architecture, etc.

Benefits of the program

The Master’s in Urban Engineering is particularly connected to the professional world, both through the composition of the teaching team (featuring a majority of teachers who work in the industry) and the course’s pedagogical practices (work/study format, workshops, overseas study experiences, etc.). It benefits from the solid network of professionals that each year the course’s graduates join, as has been the case for over 20 years.

Acquired skills

This programme aims to provide and strengthen the knowledge and skills of a construction and development project manager. It targets legal, economic, technical and managerial skills, covering design, construction and management of urban structures, project techniques, the regulatory and economic environment and the national and international context of construction and development.


Possibility of studying one or two semesters overseas (Crepuq and Erasmus programmes or outside the programme). Possibility of carrying out a work placement abroad. The curriculum also includes training in international project management.



Course venue

Campus Marne la Vallée - Champs sur Marne, Bâtiment Lavoisier

Your future career

This professional Master’s degree prepares graduates for the following roles: project manager, survey engineer, business manager, research officer, site manager, works manager, etc. The main employers are engineering companies, construction companies, local authorities and developers. Graduates can also pursue their studies with a PhD thesis.

Professional integration

Graduates very quickly find work in the different professions targeted by the course. In many cases, they are offered a permanent contract following their apprenticeship contract.

Study objectives

The programme’s objectives can be broken down into different areas: better understand the interaction of construction and development stakeholders, train students to understand and respect the requirements of project management, learn to master the overall management of a project (in terms of costs, timelines, communication), handle the complexity inherent in any construction and development project, particularly in the urban context, and manage project teams.

Major thematics of study

Engineering, development, project management


Work-study format of four periods in a company (38 weeks including 23 in the final period) and three periods at university (14 weeks).

Semester 3

Introduction to project management

The aim here is to describe as comprehensively as possible all the stakeholders of the construction projects and urban projects and the project life cycle. This description integrates the relationships between stakeholders and their evolution according to the phases of the project. This course also addresses different specific areas (urban renewal, social housing, infrastructure, ...) and proposes an international perspective. This course includes lectures, but also case studies and workshops.

9 80h
Legal and economic context of project management

In a legislative and regulatory context that has been profoundly modified in recent years and remains evolving, this course provides future professionals with a better understanding of the legal tools that will be theirs. It also aims to provide students with the methods and tools to address economic problems, both at the enterprise level and at the urban and construction project level.

9 80h
Methods and tools for project management

The practice of project management is increasingly using computer tools and new information and communication technologies. This course is an opportunity to take control of these tools, especially in the form of practical work (BIM, planning software, …). It also aims to develop the project manager's 'business' capabilities. Finally, it aims to develop the skills to communicate and manage teams.

9 30h 20h 40h

3 30h

Semester 4

Urban planning projects

The aim is to help the future professional to apprehend a territory which is the object of an urban project: diagnosis, identification of the constraints and potentialities. It is also necessary to specify the place of the urban project in the project management and to describe the main aspects of the project management. This teaching unit is organized around real projects that students deal with as workshops.

9 50h 30h 40h
Graduation thesis

Writing a dissertation on the basis of a bibliographic research or a survey, on a topic chosen in agreement with the pedagogical supervision and in response to an operational problem identified during the internship.

Professional practice

Professional practice is an important part of this master's degree. It is done according to the schedule of alternation (the period in company must be at least 5 months). It is followed by an oral report and an evaluation by the supervisor in the company.



Academic coordinator

SABARA Aminata

Academic secretary
Phone number : 01 60 95 77 60
Building : Lavoisier
Office : i25

CFA Descartes