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Bachelor's degree Environmental Process Engineering

Macaron diplôme national de Licence contrôlé par l'Etat
Sciences and engineering
Bachelor's degree  
Engineering Sciences  
Environmental Process Engineering  
How to apply
Initial training, Recognition of prior learning  
Course venue
Campus Marne la Vallée - Champs sur Marne, Bâtiment Lavoisier
Licence 2 : 15 Licence 3 : 12  
Training from

Entry requirements

The Master's programme is open to two types of student: those with a Licence degree in social sciences and those with a Licence degree in computer science or applied mathematics. In addition to the knowledge and skills specific to each of these Licence degrees, students are required to have an aptitude for digital technology, computer and statistical data processing, and the analysis of social behaviour and processes.

Benefits of the program

The programme is multi-disciplinary, and offers training open to two types of complementary profiles: students with a background in data science (computer science and applied mathematics) or social science. Some courses are shared with ESIEE engineering students.


A combination of technical skills and social analysis, backed by social science and IT research laboratories.


Enrolment in the Digital Studies & Innovation for Smart Cities Graduate Programme, which offers merit-based research grants from M1.


Organisation of a study trip abroad as part of a data sprint.

Acquired skills

Know how to use data science methods (machine learning, data mining, network analysis, text analysis) applied to the study of social phenomena, and undertake research in computational sociology.


Conduct technical and organisational audits of data infrastructures.


Understand the social and ethical issues at stake, and know how to analyse the transformations brought about by the development of digital technology, the algorithmic use of massive data, artificial intelligence, etc.


One-week study trip to Amsterdam


Licence 2 : 15

Licence 3 : 12

Course venue

Campus Marne la Vallée - Champs sur Marne, Bâtiment Lavoisier

Your future career

Employment opportunities: Data scientist in the public or private sector, Chief data officer in the public or private sector, pursuing a PhD in social sciences, analyst in the web analytics and social listening sector, analyst in a polling institute...


All students benefit from personalised support in their search for employment. Apprenticeships are supervised by a teacher and are designed to prepare students for the world of work. Regular meetings with the professional and research communities are organised (conferences, workshops, study trips).

Professional integration

The primary goal of this Master's is to train data scientists specialized in social phenomena analysis. Students are trained in research as well as in the various data analysis professions.

Study objectives

- Mastering data science methods (machine learning, network analysis and textual analysis) used for studying social phenomena.


- Preparing research in the field of digital humanities


- Acquiring specific methodological and epistemological knowledge for exploring digital footprints (social media web data), requiring multidisciplinary knowledge in social sciences, skills (working with big traceability data) and mastery of specific computer programming languages (R and Python scripts).


- Developing a critical approach to algorithm ethics and historic knowledge of Internet, web and its uses.


M1 in initial training, with completion of a research dissertation,


M2 in apprenticeship, 3 weeks at the university then 3 days a week with a company


Several training sites:


- Cité Descartes: Bois de l'Étang, Camus and Esiee buildings;

- Paris: Institut des Systèmes Complexes (several days)


Parcours GPE

Semester 1

Mathématiques pour les SPI

1. Series ( Numerical Suites. Convergence, Convergence series, Convergence series, Comprehensive series.) 2. Linear algebra.

6 20h 40h
Mécaniques des fluides

Study of the dynamics of real fluids and applications: Generalised Bernoulli theorem, application to pumps, laminar flows, profile of velocities in pipes, application to viscosity measurements, Euler theorem and applications

3 10h 20h
Mécaniques des solides

1. Modelling of Mechanical Connections 2. Kinematics 3. Modelling of mechanical actions 4. Static of solid and mechanical systems

6 20h 40h

The primary purpose of teaching in this discipline will be to improve the written and oral expression of students of various origins and often heterogeneous levels and to gradually lead them to a satisfactory mastery language and communication relationships,

3 4h
Economie d'entreprise

This teaching is intended to introduce succinct notions, allowing to identify the organizational and economic constraints to which the activity in enterprise is subject. These constraints influence the decisions taken as well as the technical aspects.

3 10h 20h
Gestion de production

The aim of this teaching is to lay the groundwork for scheduling and planning the production and management of stocks.

3 10h 20h

This teaching aims at oral and written expression through the study of texts and scientific or technical papers related to the sciences of the Engineer

3 30h

Applications thermodynamique sur le véhicule

1 12h

Semester 2

Statistiques pour les SPI

The aim of this teaching is to present the methods for exploiting experimental results and to give elements of experimental methodology. The applied statistical elements introduced in this course present some basic tools for synthesizing, representing and interpreting science data for the engineer.

3 10h 20h
Dessin Technique

The student must be able to recognise and determine, from an overall drawing with partial views, the forms and nature of the components of the system, to carry out the 2D view of the components independently, to determine the shape of surface intersections in a view and to realize perspective views ( Sketch, vanishing point,...).

5 6h 20h 24h
Résistance des matériaux

The student must be able to understand and perform design basis or control calculations in rigidity or resistance, as well as deformation measurements (linear static problem).

3 10h 20h

1. Office automation 2. Computing and Networking Information 3. Data Processing

3 6h 24h
Ingénierie et enjeux environnementaux

The aim of this teaching is to introduce the developed engineering approaches to address current environmental issues that affect all Science business lines for the Engineer.

3 6h 12h 12h
Propriétés des materiaux et structures

Multi-scale approach of the mechanical behaviour of an elastic material (covalent connection, crystallography, elasticity)

3 10h 20h
Génie de la réaction chimique 1

At the end of this module, the student will have to master the concepts of material balance sheets in the reactors, the parameters for the progress of reactions, the speed laws of a reaction, fully mixed open and closed reactors and open piston flow reactors. - Progress Parameters for Reactions - (Law of) speed of reaction, order of reaction, kinetic constant, activation energy. Arrhenius Law - Open and closed reactors perfectly mixed - Open reactor with piston flow

3 6h 12h 12h
Phénomène de transport de chaleur et de matière

At the end of this module, the student will be able to carry out material and energy balances, he will have acquired a knowledge and an understanding of all the phenomena of thermal transfer (conduction, convection, radiation) and mass (molecular diffusion, convection) can be involved in a process.

3 10h 20h
Thermodynamique appliquée au génie des procédés

At the end of this module, the student will have acquired a systematic practice of the implementation of material, energy and entropy balances for homogeneous closed systems and for open stationary systems. It will master the bases allowing the calculation of the balances between phases of the multi-component systems involved in the sizing of the unitary operations

2 6h 12h 12h
Physico-chimie des polluants

This teaching is mainly dedicated to discovering the different families of polluting molecules and metals. In a second phase, the physico-chemical characteristics of pollutants will be addressed in order to understand their respective reactivities.

2 6h 12h 12h

Semester 3

UE Science pour l'Ingénieur 1

Outils mathématiques 1

Calcul intégrales, résolution d'équations différentielles et algébriques, transformée de Laplace


Teaching language


3 13h 13h 4h
Qualité Sécurité Environnement - Développement Durable

Concepts généraux des champs QSE-DD


Teaching language


2 6h 14h
Mecanique des fluides - Approche énergétique

Thermomécanique des milieux continus


Teaching language


3 10h 12h 8h
Organisation des entreprises

A la fin de ce module, l'étudiant devra avoir compris et pourra expliquer les arrangements de réacteurs (série, parallèle, piston avec recyclage), les mécanismes de mélange et leur lien avec le déroulement de la réaction, le rendement et la sélectivité (systèmes réactionnels à stœchiométrie multiple), les systèmes réactionnels à débit variable , l'équation générale de conservation de l'Energie dans un réacteur.


Teaching language


2 20h
UE Anglais

The student is able to analyse a system of energy recovery and transformation from industrial resources (decode industrial resources, propose adapted technical solutions) with the objective of designing the industrial platform supporting the system (assembly of standard components on the structure of the installation) and planning the implementation.

4 20h 20h
UE Génie de la réaction chimique 2

3 8h 14h 8h
UE Hydrologie, Hydraulique

At the end of this module the student must have understood: - Basic concepts of fluid transport: in a pipe and in a porous environment; - Origin and groundwater flow / Geological context and basic concepts on aquifers; - The principle of dimensional analysis; - Material and energy balance sheets;

5 15h 15h 20h
UE Opérations unitaires pour l'environnement 1

At the end of this module the student will have to be able to master the unit operations of process engineering at the level of balances between phases, balance sheets and transfer of matter (liq-liq extraction, soil-liq, etc., distillation, crystallization). It must also be able to master the separative techniques of process engineering (adsorption, membrane separation, coagulation, flocculation)

8 20h 40h 20h

Semester 4

UE Science pour l'Ingénieur 2

Outils mathématiques 2

1. Fonctions à plusieurs variables ( Dérivées partielles, Divergence, rotationnel, Laplacien et application, Intégrales curvilignes, doubles, triples ). 2. Analyse Harmonique ( Séries de Fourier, Transformées de Fourier, Transformées de Laplace, applications, application aux équations différentielles).


Teaching language


3 15h 15h
Génie de la réaction biologique

Dans le cadre de ce module, l'étudiant acquérira des bases en génie biologique et fera le parallèle entre les cinétiques chimiques et les cinétiques de réactions biologiques. A la fin du module l'étudiant devra maitriser des notions tels que les cinétiques microbiennes des cultures continues et discontinues, les cinétiques enzymatiques michaelienne.


Teaching language


3 10h 12h 8h
UE Stage Industriel

UE Technique de communication

The student must be able to write in a correct syntactic and grammatical way a document supporting his or her internship: a letter of motivation, a CV appropriate to the sector concerned, an internship report (plan, pagination, contents, etc.), an oral presentation (substantive and formalized).

2 20h
UE Automatismes et Système de régulation

At the end of this module the student will be able to write material or energy balances in transitional mode, to obtain transfer functions from the linearization of these balance sheets or from the analysis of index and impulse responses, to build a counter-loopReaction with PID type regulators and study the response of the closed loop assembly to solicitations (variations of setpoint or disturbances) depending on the parameters of these regulators and analyze their stability.

3 10h 10h 10h
UE Opérations unitaires pour l'environnement 2

At the end of this module, the student will have acquired more advanced notions of unit operations for the environment by focusing mainly on unit operations commonly used in water treatment, waste and soil. An introduction to the concept of treatment channels will be made at the end of this module.

7 22h 32h 16h
UE Réacteurs réels appliqués à la dépollution

At the end of this module the student will master basic concepts enabling him to apprehend industrial reactors. Industrial technologies will be studied (upholstery columns, flattened column, etc.). The concepts of the distribution of residence time and polyphasic reactors will also be presented.

4 10h 12h 8h
UE Outils informatiques pour le GPE

L'étudiant connait les bases des outils modernes de programmation en relation avec les contraintes industriels : programmation orientée objet avec interfaçages, impliquant une approche du BASIC traditionnel dans un Premier temps et ensuite diverses études de cas en Visual basic.

2 6h 10h 4h

TASSEL Stephane

TROUETTE Benoit (L2)

Academic coordinator


Academic coordinator


Academic secretary (L2-L3)