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Master's degree Geographic information: spatial analysis and remote sensing

Macaron diplôme national de Master contrôlé par l'Etat
  • Human and social sciences, architecture, sport
  • Sciences and engineering
Master's degree  
Geographic information: spatial analysis and remote sensing  
How to apply
Continuing education, Initial training, Recognition of prior learning  
Course venue
  • Campus Marne la Vallée - Champs sur Marne, Ecole Nationale des Sciences Géographiques (ENSG)
  • Campus Marne la Vallée - Champs sur Marne - Bâtiment Copernic
Training from

Entry requirements

Students studying a Master’s in science (physics, geomatics, computer science, etc.).


Master’s students in geography, agronomy, spatial planning, etc. with skills in image processing, data analysis, GIS and / or computer science, and wishing to specialize in remote sensing and spatial analysis.

Benefits of the program

This programme addresses identified needs in the field of geomatics, in particular thanks to the “Skills and Trades” survey conducted in 2013 by the French Association for Geographic Information, the GeoRezo network and the MAGIS Geomatics Research Group at CNRS. Students are therefore perfectly prepared for the professional world.

Acquired skills

This Master’s provides training in spatial remote sensing and geographic data analysis. It trains geomaticians capable of designing and implementing methods aimed at structuring, analysing and visualising vector geographic information and images (optical and radar), to make it possible to study phenomena with a spatial component.


Work placements can be completed overseas.



Course venue

Campus Marne la Vallée - Champs sur Marne, Ecole Nationale des Sciences Géographiques (ENSG)

Other course venue

Campus Marne la Vallée - Champs sur Marne - Bâtiment Copernic

Your future career

This Master’s is oriented towards both research and industry. Graduates seeking direct employment can apply for jobs such as research engineer, project manager in a company (digital geography, geomatics, geophysical prospecting, environment, defence, design offices or local administrations). They can also pursue further studies with a PhD, going on to work in higher education or public/semi-public research bodies, such as CNRS, IGN, CNES, IPG, IRD, IRSTEA, INRA or INRIA in France, or other research bodies overseas.

Professional integration

Examples of jobs:


- Engineer (development, instrumentation, research, etc.), project manager, information systems consultant.


Examples of PhD dissertations:


Contribution of Polarimetric Radar Data for the Cartography of Vegetation in Tropical Environments (UGE / ONFI)


- Identification and Monitoring of Poplar Plantations with Hypertemporal Remote Sensing (DYNAFOR)


- Qualification and Interoperability of Standards (LaSTIG - IGN)


- Characterisation of Inter-Seismic Tectonic Deformations of the Island of Taiwan Using Radar Interferometry (LaSTIG - UGE)


- Cartographic Factories and Urban Factories: Volatile Geographical Information Potential for Efficient and Inclusive Development in Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods of Cities in the Global South.


- Development of Geographical Indicators to Contribute to the Evaluation of City Policies.


- Integration of Major Urban Transport Infrastructure in the City Through Roofing Works. Assessment and Decision-Making Tools.

Study objectives

This Master’s provides training in spatial remote sensing and geographic data analysis. It trains geomaticians capable of designing and implementing methods aimed at structuring, analysing and visualising vector geographic information and images (optical and radar), to make it possible to study phenomena with a spatial component.

Major thematics of study

Image processing, measurement physics, geographic vector information, geometric analysis, spatio-temporal dynamics.


Four to six-month work placement between 1 April and 30 September.

Semester 3

Mathématiques pour les Sciences Géographiques

The aim is to refresh fundamental scientific knowledge useful for other courses. Topics covered include vector calculus, 2D and 3D geometry, complex numbers, probability and statistics, ...... Fundamental notions of signal processing are also introduced

3 15h 15h
Traitement d'Images

The aim of this course is to familiarize students with images in terms of digital representation, visualization, basic statistics, global and local radiometric processing, geometric processing, spatial and frequency filtering... The students develop the various concepts introduced in the form of computer programs (matlab or python language) for illustration purposes and in order to understand the basic algorithms used in image processing software (ENVI, SNAP, Photoshop, etc.).

3 16.5h 16.5h
Télédétection: Bases physiques et Méthodes

The aim of this course is to introduce the basic physical concepts needed to understand the specific features and processing required for remote sensing data applications. Concepts covered include solar and terrestrial radiation energy (physics of the measurements), optical data and radar data processing.

3 18h 18h
Télédétection: Applications

Overview of various applications of remote sensing and associated tools (Lidar, drought monitoring, crop monitoring, land use, introduction to AI, etc.)

3 18h 18h
Projet télédétection

The aim of this project is to investigate a subject related to remote sensing. Topics are defined or chosen by students under the supervision of a teacher. They may focus on a specific thematic application, analyzing the contribution of different sensors to remote sensing, or, on the contrary, on the different applications of a specific sensor.

3 3h 27h
Modélisation et manipulation de l'information géographique

Theory of vector geographic data modelling, data acquisition, and GIS. Geographic databases. Geographic data processing with POSTGIS (incl. Extensions) and QGIS aiming at being familiar enough to follow other courses dealing with vector geographic data in good conditions.

3 15h 30h 3h
Analyse géométrique de l'information géographique

Introduction to classical tools (operators, indices, auxiliary structures like graphs or triangulation) to extract implicit information from vector geographic data and DTMs. Training on designing and implementating a methodology based on these tools to answer a given problem: characterise the shape or configuration of some data, compute accessibility indices, etc. Compared to the course given in M1, the notions seen as an initiation are reinforced and supplemented, and the diversity and volume of processed data is increased.

3 15h 18h
Analyse statistique de l'information géographique

Statistical methods and tools applied to geographic information. Training on how to undertake a scientific approach adapted to diverse issues and geographic data : statistical description of data, proposition of indicators and classification methods, representation of statistical results, interpretation of these results.

3 12h 15h
Analyse des dynamiques spatio-temporelles

Analysis of diverse dynamic phenomena: territory evolution and individual movements. Processing of multi-date data, GPS tracks, mobile phone data. Historical data design. Application to diverse themes: human and animal mobility, urban simulation and vegetation evolution.

3 15h 15h
Projet tutoré analyse spatiale

Tutored project in small groups aiming at solving a problem in spatial analysis, proposed by a partner who has a real need (usually a research laboratory). The projects enable to acquire autonomy concerning modelling and spatial analysis, to deepen or discover a specific theme, to communicate with a partner who is possibly not specialist in spatial analysis and to learn teamwork.

3 3h 27h 30h

Semester 4

Programmation SIG

The goal is to enable students to gain or improve their knowledges and skills in programmation with the aim of processing vector geographic data; to give them the bases of the Python language; and to introduce them to a few Python libraies dedicated to geo-data processing, among which the QGIS api.

3 15h 15h
Initiation à la veille scientifique

A first aim is to open the field of scientific and technical knowledge related to the master through conferences given by French or English speakers, organised with two other parisian Masters in remote sensing. A second aim is that students deal more in depth with an aspect of GI Science they choose based on their interest or professional project, through a bibliographic study made during the first four months of the year. This study is supported by two individual progress report meetings, and leads to a written and oral presentations.

2 24h
Méthodes transverses de constitution et d'analyse de données

The goal is to increase the skills of the students in some methods and tools related to collecting and analysing data in general, which can be used during other courses: integration of heterogeneous geographic data, machine learning, validation of a classification method, etc.

2 12h 15h
Projet de rentrée

This project is made by students right at the beginning of the year, in groups, with a half-time supervision. Objectives: foster group cohesion, encourage students to take initiatives and share previously acquired skills, stimulate their interest in future theoretical inputs, give them an experience of group work and oral restitution on which they can be given non summative feedback.

9h 9h

A 4 to 6 months training period in a hosting organisation that can be a public or private company or in a research laboratory. The student works on a topic defined by the hosting institution. The student experiences a professional environment and deals with a problem related to the domains studied during the academic year.


FRISON Pierre-Louis et BRETON Laurent (M1-M2)

FRISON Pierre-Louis (M2)

Academic coordinator

ZERIZER Razika (M1-M2)

Academic secretary
Phone number : 01 60 95 77 02
Building : Copernic

LARANCE Charlène

Gestionnaire formation continue
Gestionnaire VAE