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Master's degree Risks and the Environment

Macaron diplôme national de Master contrôlé par l'Etat
Sciences and engineering
Master's degree  
Risks and the Environment  
Risks and the Environment  
How to apply
Continuing education, Initial training  
Course venue
Campus Marne la Vallée - Noisy le Grand, Bâtiment Alexandra-David-Néel
Training from

Entry requirements

This Master’s is available at M1 level to students who have completed a Licence degree in science. Students with a professional Licence or a degree from certain engineering schools may also be accepted. Admission is on the basis of application. Lifelong learning applicants may be able to validate some of the units based on their professional experience. They must submit a specific application (please contact the relevant course director).

Benefits of the program

Field trips to different sites.


English classes in both semesters, introduction to the business world, communication


Possibility to carry out an individual project or a work placement in a laboratory or a company, Introduction to a range of tools (GIS, remote sensing, programming, physico-chemical analysis, data processing).

Acquired skills

The first year of the Master’s aims to: - provide the fundamental knowledge needed to analyse and understand the environment in the context of sustainable development; - prepare students for further study, particularly through one of the two Risks and the Environment Master’s programmes.



Course venue

Campus Marne la Vallée - Noisy le Grand, Bâtiment Alexandra-David-Néel

Your future career

The first year of the Risks and the Environment Master’s aims to prepare students for further study through a second-year research or professional Master’s research course specialised in the environment. Our university offers two programmes in this field: Geohazards and the Environment and Geomaterials.

Study objectives

The first year of the Master’s aims to: - provide the fundamental knowledge needed to analyse and understand the environment in the context of sustainable development; - prepare students for further study, particularly through one of the two Risks and the Environment Master’s programmes.

Major thematics of study

Objectif Terre; signal and image processing; applied geophysics; pollution (air/water/soil); major biogeochemical cycles; introduction to the business world; geomaterials in their environment; communication and documentation; applied computing; scientific English; thermodynamics and kinetics of geomaterials; engineering geology; environmental law; GIS tools


Biogeochemistry of the environment; scientific English; data processing; environmental biology


Choice of two optional units: environmental physico-chemical analysis; remote sensing; individual project/work placement


Semester 1: October-January; Semester 2: February-September


Choice of two optional units: environmental physico-chemical analysis; remote sensing; individual project/work placement

Back-to-school date


Semester 1

Target Earth

Gain an overview of our planet and phenomena that make an active planet, from the biosphere to the Earth's core, and through the mantle dynamics.

3 12h 10h
Pollution : air/water/soil

Introduce students to environmental problems, study different types and sources of environmental pollution, discuss the impact of pollutants and provide the basis of rehabilitation techniques of polluted water and soil

3 12h 10h
Large Cycles : bio-geo-chimical

Teach the methods for understanding the functionning of a very complex system with multiple feedback loops action. Application to cycles of chemical elements on Earth.

3 12h 10h
Applied geophysics

Study of the theoretical principles and techniques of geophysical methods (magnetic, gravity, electrical, electromagnetic, seismic and radiometric) and applications to the fields of mining and oil exploration, water resources and environment

3 12h 10h
Géomaterials in their environment

Understanding the basic mechanisms that allow crystals to grow in their envenomement in function of state variables, impurities present in the medium and the e influence of forming medium on the structure of geomaterials.

3 12h 10h
Image and signal processing

This course is focused on processing of signal and image including the following aspects: A) Signal processing: basic functions, Fourier transform, convolution, correlation, sampling, filtering in the spatial and frequency domain. B) Image processing: Digital Images (formats, encoding, ...), basic operations (histograms, masks), frequency content, sampling, filtering in the spatial and frequency domain convolution-2D.

3 10h 9h 9h
Introduction à l'entreprise

Provide general knowledge on the functioning of the enterprise and the customer relationships

3 12h 10h
Communication and docummentation

Acquire the basics of the search of documentation in science and in english, learn how to do a bibliographic search on a topic related to environment, learn the basics of writing a summary report and an oral presentation in English.

3 12h 10h
Scientific English

This is an intensive course of one week in order to improve the level of scientific English of the students. The gains of this cours will be used in particular for the courses "Communication-documentation" at 1st semester and the course "project / internship" at 2nd semaster, both defended in English.

3 12h 10h
Applied computer science

Students will be introduced to computer programming (FORTRAN). We give them the basic knowledge to write and run programs of scientific calculations, reading and exchange of data (different image formats, different file formats, etc ....) and to overcome the problems posed by certain softwares with "black boxes" processings or with algorithms that are not always appropriate to the problem being handled

3 10h 9h 9h

Semester 2

Thermodynamics and cinetics of geomaterials

Provide thermodynamic bases for the understanding of the steady state of a geochemical system. Give the evolution rules of geochemical systems out of equilibrium.

3 12h 10h
Engineering Geology

Identify the components of the subsoil and recognize its structure; assessing and modelingt the behavior of the subsoil under water or mechanical stress.

3 12h 10h
Environment law

The main goal is to give students the historical principles of environmental law in France as well as the articulation between national and European level. Knowledge of major texts on environmental law and legal structures in charge of environmental litigation

3 12h 10h
Applied Bio-geo-chimestry

Studies of tools and methods to assess the movement of the biosphere and the interactions of the atmosphere with soil and vegetation cover to understand scientific issues such as the contribution of agricultural activity to the greenhouse effect, ozone pollution, pollutant dispersion particle, environmental balances on agricultural soils, etc..

3 12h 10h
Environmental biology

Provide basic education in microbiology and explain the interactions with the natural environment, study the biodegradation of chemicals, expose and treat microbiological risks.

3 12h 6h 4h
Datamining and statistics

This course will consist of the following parts: a)Descriptive statistics: population, sample, biased and non- biased estimators, histograms ... b) Regression: concept of regression and in particular linear regression c) Probability: axioms of probability, probability distributions , statistical test concept ... d) Data mining: principal component analysis and different classification methods. The course will be supplemented by applications to real data in the form of exercises on PCs .

3 12h 15h
Geographycal Infomation Systems

Students will be introduced to general theoretical concepts of geographic information systems (abstraction, acquisition, archiving, analysis, display). They will have an overview of commercial tools (ArcGIS) and open-source tools (QGis). They then move on to the practical part, where they will practice to handle basic operations of a GIS software such as data editing (data entry, import, export), raster registration, management of tables and joins, attribute analysis, spatial analysis and layout

3 10h 18h
Scientific English

This course aims to strengthen the scientific knowledge of students in scientific English enabling them to understand a scientific article and be able to write a scientific report in English

3 12h 10h
Environmental physio-chemical analysis

Intrduction to analytical methods. Training on LGE research instruments.

3 12h 10h 9h
Remote sensing

Acquisition of basic knowledge in remote sensing in different wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum: observation (atmosphere, ocean, emerged land), spectral information, pre-processing satellite images,radar imagery, interferometry ...

3 12h 10h 6h
Intership/personal work

2 months intership in a laboratory or in a firm. Or, a personnal work relative of any thematics of the master.

3 12h 10h



Academic coordinator


Academic secretary
Phone number : 01 49 32 91 67
Building : Alexandra David-Néel
Office : B109